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  1. *UPDATE* This morning the lines area gone. Could it have been tiny bubbles attached to her from when I added water? There was lots of tiny bubbles in the tank - but they dissipated and what was on her tail remained. But she looks right as rain today for which I am so very grateful! Stats: 40 gallon long with a sponge filter and a power head Established moderately planted tank 2+ years PH 8.0 (normal is 7.4) But I did feed a block of bloodworms if that makes a difference some how. Nitrates 80 PPM* (the plants are helping - out of the tap I'm 80-160 PPM) Hardness Unkown but I do live in an area for having Hard to Extreme water hardness Nitrite 0 PPM (normal) Ammonia 0 PPM (normal) KH 300 PPM approx. Water Temp 82 degrees My well water is poisoned with Nitrates due to agriculture practices of big pharma. They have killed our soil and our water.. We are in process of purchasing a whole house nitrate filter. It is about $2K. I've vowed to purchase no more fish until this is resolved. When I began fish keeping I had no idea about water chemistry. I now know much more. Know better do better. Earlier today I did a water change - about 40% - I match my water temp with a thermometer when refilling (I don't want to repeat a mistake I made once). Prior to this water change I do not believe my SAP had anything on her tail. I usually keep a close eye on her as I have learned they can be susceptible to stress induced disease. After doing the water change I noticed these distinct white lines on her tail. They are raised on one side only. I turned on the night mode on my lights to see if they would fluoresce but they did not. I also shined a UV light on her tail, but it did not react to that either. Unless it is pertinent to the discussion of the disease I would prefer to not receive an endless diatribe concerning my nitrates. I have done every thing I can do short of driving many many many miles to obtain cleaner water at great expense for the quantities I would need to maintain lower nitrate levels. I am aware of the situation and dealing with it. I'm more surprised by my ph. So much so that I ran the test again. This is my absolute favorite fish. I absolutely adore her. She's mad at me for accidentally having my flash on and won't come near me now. These are the best pics I've gotten so far. I don't want to keep causing stress so I'm not pressing the issue right now. (PS - don't let the calm nature of my post beguile you - inside I'm calmly freaking out - I don't want to lose her.)
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