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  1. There’s not really any other symptoms other than the lethargy. I’ll put a catappa leaf in the aquarium and see if I can test the ammonia. I guess that it’s old age. Thank you for the help everyone!
  2. I use API test strips KH 40 ppm GH around 130-160 pH 6.5 Nitrite 0 Nitrate around 5 Temperature 78 degrees Fahrenheit My test strips don’t have ammonia on them. Do I need to try to get something that does? Are these parameters ok?
  3. I had to turn the lights off and use flash so the glare wouldn’t be really bad. Does this help? (That’s my snail at the top.)
  4. My sweet betta Zenzo has not been very good lately. I got him about a year and a half ago at Aquashella. He’s been staying at the bottom of the tank and rarely swimming to the surface to get air. He can hardly swim and can’t stay afloat. He’s in a 5 gallon tank with a heater that stays at 78 degrees Fahrenheit and a sponge filter that I cleaned a couple of weeks ago. There’s a big, growing banana plant in the tank and a mystery snail. The parameters have been checked recently and seem fine. He’s had problems with fin rot in the past, and it stopped for a while but it’s coming back now. I’ve managed to get him to eat pellets and frozen bloodworms but he’s been getting more reluctant to eat the past couple of days. I’m young but I’ve been fishkeeping for several years. I’ve had a special betta that died overnight from a medication that claimed to heal fish, and I don’t want that to happen again, that’s why I’m being extra cautious. It’s just so frustrating how when I’m doing research to try to help Zenzo, one source will say a certain product saved their fish while another will say their fish dropped dead in an hour. I just want advice from someone who knows what they’re talking about. He used to be very lively, and I hate seeing him like this. I don’t want to put my fish down unless I have to. I want to see if there is any other way for him to get better first. Thank you for reading this, I’ll appreciate any advice I can get! ❤️
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