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  1. So they are legal so that makes things a little easier, and I can source all but ich x there. Ich X isn't illegal just not sold somewhere I can get it but I can always bring it back with me. The timing is the component that still seems unclear to me. Like how long should I quarantine, and how long should I wait after adding the now healthy fish to the big tank, it will be a 125 if that matters but since we are talking hypotheticals I don't think it does, should I wait before quarantining the next batch.
  2. Ive been working on my planted tank for a while and I get frustrated test strips don't tell you what's missing if you try based on the Co-op deficiencies chart and see no progress it can be super frustrating. I started testing Phosphate but mine comes out well on that so for me my next step is going to a freshwater potassium test. Phosphates include potassium but based off the problems I am seeing in my plants and the fact that my phosphates are good I suspect that it might be a potassium-specific problem. If that's not it Im not sure what my next step will be a magnesium test possibly.
  3. So this isn't a problem I am facing right now but one I will have no choice but to deal with in the next couple of years. So I am in the long process of an international move to Bogota Colombia. I've been scoping out aquarium stores when I am there and it is pretty slim pickings. In every store I've been to the fish are not healthy sometimes they look like they just haven't been fed but most times the fish are covered in ick with lots of dead fish floating in the tanks. The tanks are all on a shared water system and there is no guarantee on them. So what would you do? Please don't say look for other places to buy I am and I have but I want to come up with a plan for the worst-case scenario to increase my chances of getting the fish healthy again and minimize losses.
  4. Occupants- 12 ember tetras, 1 Rainbow Stiphodon Goby, 1 Honey Gourami, 4 Harlequin Rasbora (to be rehomed at next Music City Aquarium Society meeting), 3 nerite snails. Tank Age 2 years Lighting- 24 in Aquarium Coop light set to 30 percent PAR reading is 25 at bottom middle of the tank it runs from 10 a.m to 2 pm and from 6 pm to 10 pm Tank substrate- Eco Complete capped with black Mexican beach pebbles with green Mexican beach stones and one lava stone Filtration- 1 medium easy flow sponge filter, 1 small Coop sponge filter Plants- Vallisnaria (about 8 shoots that produce runners well but start to melt once they get taller?) Anubias Nana Petite (7 these grow well for me) Java Fern (also known as the bain of my existence because I can not keep it alive and healthy) Marimo Moss Balls- 9 half inches with pale spots not quite brown but not a healthy green either Cryptocoryne Lucens- approximately 2 weeks in the tank (this one is new it came in growing sideways, and this has not been corrected yet) Radican Marble Queen Sword- approximately 2 weeks in the tank (this came in partially melted with lots of yellow spots it has continued to melt and I have seen no new growth yet. It was given 3 root tabs when planted) Water Sprite- approximately 2 weeks in the tank came in with brown spots and appears to be recovering Red Melon Sword- approximately 2 weeks in the tank came in with pin holes and yellowing leaves. The affected leaves have started to melt but the healthy leaves appear to be doing well it was given 3 root tabs at the time of planting) Anubias Hastifolia- approximately 2 weeks in the tank came in with brown and yellowed edges but has a new leaf already Anachris I have lost count it is fine. I appear to be winning Battle with Duckweed, but I highly suspect it is just preparing for an ambush. Hardscape- 2 large and 1 small piece of Mopani driftwood Water Parameters The temperature Heater is set to 76 thermometers is 75.2 PH- 7.6 KH 190 mg/l GH - 250 mg/l ammonia-0 Nitrite-0 Nitrate-5 (Note nitrates still swinging wildly last week they were at 50 ppm) Phosphate- 5ppm Dissolved oxygen 15 ppm Routine Easy Green on Sundays 2 pumps Easy Potassium on Wed 2 pumps Feeding- Hikari nano pellets once every 3 days (crushed for better distribution) and 2 Hikari bottom dweller tabs (the Goby rarely sees the first one. Repashy on Saturday and a toothpick tip dipped in baster AE Water Testing on Sundays with water changes as needed. Goals Monitor new plants for signs of recovery Purchase Potassium specific water test Figure out why I can't keep Java Fern alive.
  5. For journals are we supposed to keep all our tanks in one or can we have a journal for each tank?
  6. Aquarium Coop videos got me back into aquariums about 2 years ago. These are my tanks currently:
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