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Sick Rainbowfish and angel


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Hi, I have a rainbowfish that is sick. 

I bought 12 rainbowfish from a local breeder and one had a weird bulge on his chin (I think he had it when I got him, but I don't know. I know that he did have it within a week or two after I got him.) 
I ended up euthanizing him because I wasn't sure if it was genetic or what, and didn't want to have baby DNRs with that same issue (or have him spreading it if it was a disease). No one on Fishlore had any idea what it was, and the breeder thought it might be lymphocystis (it was too uniform for that, I think, but who knows). That was a male by the way.
Now, I have another rainbowfish, a female this time, that has a similar looking spot on her side. It doesn't look 3d like the male's was, but it is hard to get a decent photo as the rainbows are kind of skittish. 
The other issue is that my angelfish ALSO has (I think) something going on with his lower lip. His lip looks bigger than it should be, and kind of lumpy. He is black, so getting a photo of a blackish looking lip against a black fish is hard. 
Here are some photos I took, hopefully they will help. I have had the tank set up for about 4 months or so, and other than the rainbow, an apisto died (I think) from stress from the angels (or maybe one of the other two apistos) fin nipping him. And the blue angelfish I had in there also died, I don't know what from. 
These are the two currently sick fish, the angel and the rainbow. 











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0ppm ammonia 

0ppm nitrite 

5-15ppm nitrate


I asked Aquarium Co-op, and they said it might be fungal (columnaris possibly) and to treat it with salt and maracyn


Should I just hit it with the med trio and hope it dies? (I have the API version of the med trio on hand, but could order the current version, but I'm not sure if they are mixable or if I would have to do a 150% WC before starting the Fritz version...)

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I would treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons and maracyn if you have live plants salt at that level will harm them if you can't use salt use ich x in stead as it treats some types of fungus I would put one dose of ich x in the tank and let sit we'll you do your Frist course of maracyn it may take two courses of treatment if you see no improvement after two courses of treatment I would treat with kanaplex and furan 2 together

Edited by Colu
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I have live plants, can I put them outside in a tote of water without fish, or will the bad stuff stay on them, and come back into my tank even after a week or two? I wouldn't care, but I probably have $60 or so in plants, so I don't want to get rid of them unless I need to to save fish. 


Mean time:

1. I'll take out the plants, and carbon, and put the plants in the tote. 

2. Then I will add 1TBSP for every 2g of water.

3. Can I use erythromycin or General Cure instead of maracyn? Just since I have some on hand, and can get it way easier and faster than Maracyn...

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Erythromycin is same active ingredient that in maracyn general cure is a treatment for parasites so it won't have any effect on fungus or bacterial infection I would use the salt and erythromycin you could disinfect your plants 3% hydrogen peroxide solution add 2ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide for one gallon for no longer than 5mins then rinse your plants in fresh water and put in water without the hydrogen peroxide and add some prime

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2 hours ago, Colu said:

Erythromycin is same active ingredient that in maracyn general cure is a treatment for parasites so it won't have any effect on fungus or bacterial infection I would use the salt and erythromycin you could disinfect your plants 3% hydrogen peroxide solution add 2ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide for one gallon for no longer than 5mins then rinse your plants in fresh water and put in water without the hydrogen peroxide and add some prime

Perfect thanks!


One more thing. Do I need to follow the directions on the erythromycin? Or do I do one dose of erythromycin and leave it for a week?

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I just did a 25g water drain, and added enough water to bring it up to about 50g (so I can use less meds)


I then added the prescribed 5 packets of erythromycin, and 25ml of ich X (I forgot the salt, but oh well). 

I will also be buying a new heater, as the one in the tank has been dead long enough that the water in the tank is 66 F... (that might explain the sudden onset of whatever the fish have...) (though I think it was 80 the other day when I checked....)

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It should heal  it can take a couple of weeks if you see no improvement after a second Couse of Erythromycin or they get worse then I would treat with kanaplex and furan 2

Edited by Colu
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