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German Blue Ram Breeding

Ben Mills

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1 hour ago, Ben Mills said:

I currently have 2 German Blue rams in a 20 gallon male and female. I want to add 3 albino corys. Would this hurt my chances at breeding the GBR?

You'll get your best chances if you don't add the corys. Catfish are most active at night, and while Rams are still in the dark, the eggs or fry _might_ get eaten. On the other hand, if the Rams get the spawning process down, they might be up for holding their own and raising a batch. We've never had rams successfully raise their own fry. Always have had to pull the eggs.

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The prudent thing is to not get the cory but changes are pretty good things would be fine. Cory don't like confrontation so the smallest amount of poking by the rams will send them on their way. I tend to leave the room lights on when they breed so there is a little bit of incident light in the tank (i have dimable recess lighting in the room). One concern you should consider is which species of albino cory you purchase (there are several) as some can't handle the heat. Rams breed best with soft water (~70tds or lower) and the frys are quite small so you will need to consider how you will feed them...

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