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Experienced beginner residing in NC!


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Hi fellow fish fanatics! My name is Kathy. I'll confess I'm not as die-hard into this hobby as others. I'm happy with just one fish tank and my fake plants lol. But I do love to see others fish tanks and what the pet stores are stocking in theirs. I currently have a 38 gallon Aqueon tank, with Aqueon HOB filter. It's stocked with 16 Tiger Barb's (8 regular, 6 green platinum, and 2 red GloFish) and 3 male platies. 

My tap water where I live in NC is SUPER soft...and by soft I mean close to zero, if not zero, gH. Ph is in the 6-6.5 range. Im looking to harden the water for the fish I have, OR get different fish entirely that will thrive in my tap water. 

Thanks for any input, and thank you for sharing your pics!




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@FishObsessed Welcome to the forum! Here's an article on water chemistry that I wrote for Aquarium Co-Op, and at the end, there's a section on how to safely and gradually raise your pH, GH, and KH: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/ph-gh-kh

In general, I believe Cory says that crushed coral tends to raise KH, whereas Wonder Shell and Seachem Equilibrium is better for raising GH or water hardness. Hope that helps!

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@Irene thank you! 

3 hours ago, Irene said:

general, I believe Cory says that crushed coral tends to raise KH, whereas Wonder Shell and Seachem Equilibrium is better for raising GH or water hardness. Hope that helps!

That does help. I thought crushed coral might be the way to go but I found a Wonder Shell last night at a LFS and already see an improvement in the activity level of my tiger Barbs....that's encouraging 🙂

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