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Do scuds eat plant roots

Greg H

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I currently have a 10g tank heavily planted and purchased plants from my local fish store. I have two Amazon swords (one is a red flame) and they produce leaves weekly. That being said I have replaced them in the substrate several times because the roots cannot seem to grow. I have had the tank for 3 months and have fed the swords heavily (3/4 easy root tabs per month) and am wondering if the scuds are eating the roots. Had anyone else had this experience? 

I am debating starting the tank all over in a 30 long with new substrate and replacing my filter sponges along with heavily cleaning my decorations. thoughts?


Edited by Greg H
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Not in my experience. I grow a lot of Grammarus (scuds) in this little pool in my backyard.


This pool has a variety of aquarium plants, but the Grammarus live and feed mainly inside several dozen plastic dishwashing fluff balls (not sure what else to call them).

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I have had amazon swords be very slow to start in new ecocomplete. They like established roots and they like a LOT of root fertilizer. They are also unhappy being replanted because their roots seem to be very brittle. I think it is likely those factors rather than the scuds. Maybe boost them along with root tabs until you start to build up fish waste in the substrate.

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Roots possibly, but definitely plant matter. If you watch some of the Goliad Farms videos, Charles mentions specifically that the scuds eat the leaves of the hornwort that they float in their vats.

Edited by DShelton
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Thank you for the replies. Many forums seem mixed about if scuds are helpful or harmful. From my perspective of all they did was eat the detritus and further break down fish waste I would be fine with them being in there but if it’s at the expense of my plants I would probably tear it all apart to get rid of them

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I've never had scuds eat the roots, they like the green stuff. I've had scuds with fry's and they don't bother them either  but I've read some can be predatory. I think they only resort to that behavior if there aren't other food sources that they prefer in the tank. If they're kept with fish their population shouldn't affect your plant life. The Goliad Farms Scuds have been trained over generations to eat hornwort and duckweed. They seem to feed the exclusively on that plant because they have so much excess

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