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Thank you for the "Let's make this easy" podcast


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I adore my two fish tanks. One 70 gal with all freshwater tropicals and one 38 gal with fishies and dwarf African frogs.  Your 2/16/21 podcast about "making it easy" and doing what works for your tank helped me immensely. I have been learning as I go over the last few years, and I have often learned the hard way that there is an excess of TERRIBLE info/advice on the web. WHY do retail pet stores and/or local fish stores not tell people that PLANTS IN YOUR AQUARIUM MAKE IT ALL SO MUCH EASIER!?!  Why do they display SO MANY gravel vac/siphon thingies when many times all the (planted) tank needs is the detritus vacuumed out of the gravel and the water returned to the tank? Why doesn't anyone know that doing 15-25% water changes frequently actually stress the fish out more than it helps them? Why doesn't anyone say that it's a really good idea to have TWO heaters in each tank....so that if one of them quits working, your fish won't get cold (and get stressed or die)??

I think I could write a book on everything I have learned the hard way (even though I have followed every instruction/guide I could).

For instance, I recently had an issue with my new nerite snails. All that shows up on the internet (and from sales associates) is that they are great algae eaters and scavengers. Sounds great, right? Only after they put eggs ALL OVER my driftwood did I find that yes, the internet is correct that will not reproduce in fresh water, but YES THEY WILL STILL MATE AND LAY EGGS! The nerite snail shells are pretty, but no thanks. I spent hours scraping eggs off of driftwood the other day. I took most of the snails back to the store, leaving only one in each tank. I will stick with my adorable mystery snails who on occasion make little clutches of eggs that are SUPER obvious and can be easily removed from my tanks.

Another finding was that Seachem labels don't tell the whole story. Flourish, Flourish Excel, and Flourish Advance actually each do very different things...but the newbie consumer doesn't understand this! And if EITHER of my tanks were fed as often as they said, I am pretty sure I would have ONLY plants left in my tanks, and enough algae to take over the world.

I am a Chemical Engineer. I understand water chemistry. But I have still accidentally killed SO MANY aquarium critters trying to follow "rules" I have found online, I am embarrassed to even admit what I do for a living.

So, thanks for being honest, thanks for being you, and thanks for confirming my belief that fish enthusiasts should just do what WORKS! 



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4 hours ago, Vtcourtney said:

Another finding was that Seachem labels don't tell the whole story. Flourish, Flourish Excel, and Flourish Advance actually each do very different things...but the newbie consumer doesn't understand this! And if EITHER of my tanks were fed as often as they said, I am pretty sure I would have ONLY plants left in my tanks, and enough algae to take over the world.

I am a Chemical Engineer. I understand water chemistry. But I have still accidentally killed SO MANY aquarium critters trying to follow "rules" I have found online, I am embarrassed to even admit what I do for a living.

I hear you. 😆 

When I started my tanks, I bought bottles of Seachem Flourish, Flourish Excel, Flourish Trace, and Flourish Iron. I mean, Seachem, it's top-tier stuff, right? But I couldn't figure out why my Anubias were falling apart after a few months. Then I discovered the Aquarium Co-Op YouTube channel and learned that Anubias are heavy potassium feeders. What do you mean there is NO potassium in any of the Seachem ferts I bought? Excuse me, I need to do what? I need to buy ANOTHER bottle of Flourish? Just for Potassium?! Seriously?!?🙄

Why on earth is aquarium plant fertilizer so complicated? Oh come on, Seachem. I grew up on a flower nursery. I have a very green thumb. I've built small hydroponics planters. I graduated with an agricultural degree and worked as a genetics lab tech. Surely, you are not telling me that aquatic plants are special because they live underwater? Or they grow differently than terrestrial ones? Yeah, right. 😣

BTW, I did not buy Flourish Potassium. Once I learned that Anubias are heavy potassium feeders (thank you Cory), I took the liquid kelp solution (0.1-0-0.44, N-P-K) I use for my house/garden plants and squirted some into my tanks. And then I bought ONE bottle of Easy Green. Sheesh! 🤪

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12 minutes ago, Anita said:

BTW, I did not buy Flourish Potassium. Once I learned that Anubias are heavy potassium feeders (thank you Cory), I took the liquid kelp solution (0.1-0-0.44, N-P-K) I use for my house/garden plants and squirted some into my tanks. And then I bought ONE bottle of Easy Green. Sheesh! 🤪

I dose my plants similarly with custom mixed potassium salt (K2CO3, KH2P04, K2SO4) solutions, depending on situation.

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