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Quarantine Meds Trio/Help/Advice


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Hi everyone,

This is my first post here and was seeking on some advice regarding treating my fish in my main tank (60 gal) as I don't have a qt tank. More specifically I was interested in treating with the qt meds trio as Cory does. So that would be Marcyn, Ich-X, and Para Cleanse. As I understand all of these are plant safe and shouldn't impact my plants in a negative way. My fish don't have any signs of ich or bacterial infections, but I'm sure there is most likely internal parasites. I also know that the tank most likely has ich in it, but fish don't exhibit symptoms because I have very stable and good water parameters so ich isn't appearing.  So my question to all you wonderful people is, should I treat with the meds trio or just Para cleanse for internal parasites? Cory treats all new incoming fish with the trio and I was thinking about doing this in my display tank, but the only thing I'm sure of is that my fish most likely have internal parasites. All of them are doing great, but I want to most definitely kill off any internal parasites before they cause problems for my fish. This is my first tank and I'm trying to do everything right. I'm also going to buy a qt tank and don't plan on adding any new fish to this tank. In advance thank you to anyone who took their time reading my long question. 

Tank Stock:

Multis (shell dwellers)


Tank Parameters: 

Ph: 8.2

Ammonia: 0

Nitrite: 0 

Nitrate: 5-10



Edited by Gobbo-King
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Are you getting new fish? Did you just get new fish? Are you seeing signs of sickness?

Med Trio won’t hurt. Marcyn might weaken your bio filtration a tad, if it’s not well-established. Ich-X may stain your silicone a bit (if it’s white). Otherwise, it’s fine to administer together. Just remove any filter carbon before dosing.

In my opinion, treating _new_ or _sick_ fish makes sense. Otherwise, maybe just target based on need. 

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The fish I have now have been in the tank for 2.5 weeks. Not seeing signs of sickness as they are all doing great. But I was going to treat them for internal parasites because I think I've seen some white stringy poop from some of them. They are all eating and their bellies aren't sunken so I wanted to just be sure. At least for internal parasites using para cleanse. Although if I'm doing that I was questioning whether or not to just use the med trio like Cory does when he receives new fish. In other words taking an extra step. But no signs of ick although I'm sure it's in my tank it's just that the fish are healthy and the water parameters are stable and good so their slime coat is protecting them against the ick protozoa. 

I guess if using ich-x would eradicate the ich protozoa from my tank. Just to do if there aren't any down sides  to doing it per se. 

Edited by Gobbo-King
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Ich-X does not kill ich protozoa it only stops the reproduction of adults and kills the free swimming stage. Parasites are very particular about the conditions they like. It is kind of a wonder they even made it this far in the evolutionary chain. 


You can use paracleanse if you are so inclined, but I personally wouldn't or you can just give your fish medicated fish food for a few days. This will target any worms in the gut and digestive tract. Both chemicals in paracleanse are antihelminthic. 

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