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Fish TB?


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I got some medaka rice fish last year, and noticed one had a mildly crooked spine and one a more severely crooked spine. I'm fairly new to fish keeping and thought it was a deformity maybe from inbreeding. I drove an hour and a half to pick them up I didnt want to bother returning them so never contacted the store. The fish that was more severely affected wasted away and died last month. Now the other fish is swelling in her dorsal region, so instead of tapering to the tail she is the same width almost all the way down her body. Could this be dropsy? And more importantly, is it likely from fish TB? Sorry, these were the best pics I could get.




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Then I doubt it is dropsy. It is probably something else, it could be fish tb. Fish tb shows up different in different fish. Does anyone how fish tb shows up in medaka rice fish? I would keep the infected ones separate. And not touch the water as much as possible, especially with any cuts. However there are so many diseases so it could be hard to figure it out without a lab or microscope. I would try the trio maybe. Another thing that comes to mind is Neon tetra disease, I am not sure if rice fish can get that. 

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I agree its probably not dropsy. Until I really looked at the photos I didnt realize it was only affecting the left side. I did do the med trio when I first got the medakas so I have the meds on hand if I need them. She is the only one with symptoms, thankfully, and is already in a hospital tank with salt at a concentration of 1 tbsp per 2 gallons.

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