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My Plecos have Camallanus Worms! What should I do???


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Hi everybody, I have been observing my bristlenose plecos and recently found that they had some red worms sticking out of their anus's. It is kind of disturbing and I was wondering if it is still possible to save them. I know that levamisole will help but I don't know where to get it. What are the best medications to deal with it. Also, will things like general cure or something else work? I am trying to cure it ASAP but I don't know what will work. ANy help is appreciated. Thank you

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If you're certain it's camallanus, fenben and prazi aren't gonna do the trick. You'll need Levamisole for sure. It's available in fish stores as Fritz Expel-P or from Greg Sage at Select Aquatics. You can also check your local Tractor Supply Co/Farm Store for PROHIBIT. PROHIBIT is a goat dewormer, but it's the same stuff. Dosing is a bit trickier, but unless you've got inverts to worry about it's tough to OD levamisole with fish.

Which you go for really depends on how urgently you need it. If things are dire, tracking down some Expel-P might be possible if you call local fish stores in your area. Only one of the 3 fish stores with ~50 miles from me carries it. Goat dewormer was a dead end for me, but I'm in a fairly urban area. if you're in a more rural spot, you might find some that way. Best bet, if you can wait a few days, is to order from Select Aquatics. They ship quickly and theirs comes with a measuring spoon and case.


That's where I'd start. Best of luck beating these things, they're easily the nastiest critters I've come across in my aquarium. They managed to waste all my rainbowfish away over the course of 3 months and I'm still a bit gun shy about restocking. Follow the instructions from Select Aquatics and you'll be fine, but be prepared for potential fish losses after medicating. Some fish, particularly small fish, will have too much internal damage to survive the worms detaching. It's also a good chance to thoroughly clean your substrate between doses.

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Which you go for really depends on how urgently you need it. If things are dire, tracking down some Expel-P might be possible if you call local fish stores in your area. Only one of the 3 fish stores with ~50 miles from me carries it. Goat dewormer was a dead end for me, but I'm in a fairly urban area. if you're in a more rural spot, you might find some that way. Best bet, if you can wait a few days, is to order from Select Aquatics. They ship quickly and theirs comes with a measuring spoon and case.

Does the kit come along with the levamisole or will it only come with those items? 

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