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New Goldfish (white strings/holes)


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Hi all, 

I just got two new orandas two days ago. One of them has small holes at the base of the dorsal fin, and two tiny white threads coming from the dorsal fin. Its possible I received it this way or that it developed over the last two days. It was hard to take a good picture but I attached what I could get. I looked for anchor worm but can’t see any abnormalities indicating it visually. Is this something concerning? If so what I should try?

They’re in a 55g. No amonia, 20 nitrate, no nitrite, ph 7.2, temp 74. 

Any advice is welcome! 


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@Colu the white spots are actually particulates in the water rather than on the fish. I just changed some water and kicked up some bits. But I did spot something white and fluffy on its wen.

I’ll treat for ich using ich X. Salt will have to be salt baths rather than the tank itself because of the plants in the tank. But I’ll try those two options and hope for the best. 

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You can just dose aquarium salt to the main aquarium while doing water changes just be sure to dose with the measurements the packages says to. The benefit of this is that yes its less strong but it is around the clock. The main benifit of aquarium salt is that it dehydrates parasites on the fishes skin. If your fish is in the solution for longer at lower concentration that would be better then shorter time higher concentration

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@Dwayne Brown 

Interesting. I’ve got crypts, anubias, and java fern. Might be worth a shot. I’ll give it a try. 

As for the anchor worm itself. I can see the white strings but no protrusion from the skin. Is it sufficient to just pull the white strings? 

(also, thank you so much for all your help. I’ve kept smaller fish before but ever goldies)

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11 hours ago, Dwayne Brown said:

What type of plants?

I had plants in my quarantine tank. Salt killed off my water sprite but the salvinia (which is a floating plant) hung in there. It didn’t grow but it didn’t die off either. I think it just depends on the plants and the dose of salt. I went up to 2tbsp per gallon.

Wishing you the best for your goldfish @yes_i_like_pie!

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