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Hello everyone 

so i started using easy green and my plants started growing decently but they have grown lots and lots of hair algae on the leaves,glass,and filter.I saw somewhere that sychem flourish kills algae so i was thinking if i could use easy green one week then sychem flourish to kill the algae and then easy green again.I dont really know if it makes sense but its just an idea

thank you

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13 hours ago, Juan colin said:

Hello everyone 

so i started using easy green and my plants started growing decently but they have grown lots and lots of hair algae on the leaves,glass,and filter.I saw somewhere that sychem flourish kills algae so i was thinking if i could use easy green one week then sychem flourish to kill the algae and then easy green again.I dont really know if it makes sense but its just an idea


Excel can be dosed daily and in conjunction to fertilizer. But adding another product is not the answer. The above questions should be answered.

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@Juan colin I had a similar experience in my tank; after stabilizing nitrates at 20 ppm I started getting great plant growth but Iost control of algae.  I tried battling with Seachem Excel (Different than Flourish as far as algae goes so don't get confused). Ultimately I realized it was a losing battle to try to beat the algae with the Excel dosing on the bottle and I started trying to figure out what the imbalance in the tank and started looking for other variables. 

I reduced my light intensity and cut to 8 hours a day and saw new algae growth stop in a week and in the second week I am seeing it clear. Also once I stopped the new growth It gave my snails and shrimp a fighting chance of cleanup. I was resistant to reduce the light because my tank is visible in my home office all day and I liked having the light on but in the end it appears to have solved my problem.   

Edited by PlaneFishGuy
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