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So, I have a Betta fish in a 10 gallon by itself right now, I am wanting to put him in a community tank that I have, the reason I want to move him from the 10 gallon to the 55 gallon is because, I want to make the 10 gallon a tank with different types of plants , and I also want to put a few shrimp in it and a couple snails, I don't know if it is a good idea to do this but I know I do want  the shrimp and snail tank with plants. I also do want to keep the betta because I love him, LOL. Do you have any ideas for me, if so I would love your ideas. In the 55 gallon tank I have 5 harley quinn rasboras, a african dwarf frog, 2 angelfish, 1 pleco, 2 golden algae eater, 2 platies, 5 mollies, 7 ember tetras, 8 guppies, and that is it. If you have any ideas please let me know. Thanks so much.
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@Theameturefishtankkeeper are you asking if it's ok to do that? If so it all depends on the Betta. If you aren't sure a good test is to put them in some sort of separate breeder or divide the tank and check his reaction to being in there. It's best to have schooling fish, like Harlequins around Bettas because they move in groups and the Betta generally doesn't know who to pick on if they're going to do that. If it's successful the Betta will likely be even happier in such a large tank with lots of otther fishy friends. 

Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
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@Theameturefishtankkeeper I also have to say while I'm assuming the Betta is the one to watch out for you also have to consider whether or not you have any fin nippers. I have Harlequins and I have not known them to be as such, and I don't think guppies are (never kept them but they've got longer fins so if they do ok without being nipped your Betta could be ok) I'd keep an eye out for it. 

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27 minutes ago, Theameturefishtankkeeper said:
So, I have a Betta fish in a 10 gallon by itself right now, I am wanting to put him in a community tank that I have, the reason I want to move him from the 10 gallon to the 55 gallon is because, I want to make the 10 gallon a tank with different types of plants , and I also want to put a few shrimp in it and a couple snails, I don't know if it is a good idea to do this but I know I do want  the shrimp and snail tank with plants. I also do want to keep the betta because I love him, LOL. Do you have any ideas for me, if so I would love your ideas. In the 55 gallon tank I have 5 harley quinn rasboras, a african dwarf frog, 2 angelfish, 1 pleco, 2 golden algae eater, 2 platies, 5 mollies, 7 ember tetras, 8 guppies, and that is it. If you have any ideas please let me know. Thanks so much.

I would be most worried about the angelfish with the betta in this aquarium. If they are territorial, it's probably not a good idea to have a betta in there with them. If they are pretty mellow though, I would go about testing how @xXInkedPhoenixX said in their post. Hope this helps, and good luck!

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I've heard that mixing bettas and guppies is an issue. Bettas see the long fins of the guppies as being like themselves and will be very aggressive towards them. YMMV. Depending on the type of molly, same thing. Most mollies should be able to outswim the betta, but any guppy and molly fry would be betta food. 

Depending on your tank, you might get away with adding the shrimp to the 10g with the Betta. There's no reason you can't mix those two. Given ample hiding room. Your betta should be quite happy with any plants you could add. The lots of plants would give your shrimp lots of places to hide.

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