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Help with plants and fungus?

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Hello I have a couple questions. 
1. My plant has what looks to be roots growing off of it. Can I just cut the branch off and stick it in the substrate to keep propagating?

2. Can anyone help me identify these with sting’s on my decoration and what I should do with it?

 Thank you in advance



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1. Absolutely!!

2. That looks like biofilm to me...it's not pretty, but it's harmless.  You could clean it off, and it may or may not come back.  Word on the street is that Otos like to eat it! 😜👍

Biofilm has been all over the forum (and in my tanks, too! 😂) lately...it's a common occurrence in new tanks especially.  I'm starting to wish there was a day of the week or a month that started with a B so that we could have a whole thread dedicated!  Maybe we could call it Biofilm Blursday....because Blursday kind of sounds like Thursday, and biofilm is burry looking... 🤔

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Where would I cut the branch at and with what tools? I don’t have any aquascaping tools. Should I treat wherever I am going to use before introducing it to the tank under hot water?

 Have your ever heard of snails eating that too I was thinking of getting a couple this weekend. Maybe I will just have to add an otto as well👍

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Cut it under the rootlets! 

I think as long as the scissors are clean and sharp, you shouldn't have any issues!  If you want to sanitize, you could boil the scissors or use hydrogen peroxide and rinse well...but I would personally just rinse the scissors with water and dry them before using.  If it gives you peace of mind to sanitize, do it! 😊

Nerite snails don't really go for it, in my experience.  I'm not sure about other varieties! 🐌

Edited by Betsy
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You don't necessarily have to cut your plant. Eventually the stem below the rootlets will rot away and the upper plant will float free, which you can replant in the substrate or let float. But if you don't want to wait, feel free to snip it off with your fingernails, or you can take it out of the tank briefly and snip it with any scissors you have around.

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One more question but I am going to assume that I can. I have another plant not in the picture that put out a runner and has two sister plants on it with roots. Can I cut that runner off at the base of the Mother plant and move them so they are where I want them?

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