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dried drift bamboo

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Well I was going to send a pic but not going to spend an hour how to so I found a small piece of bamboo at the beach. It is drift bamboo from the mountains but floating who knows how long in the ocean but its cool and small and cool. Can I use it? It floats bigtime but I am now boiling it. It does have some places where the skin of the bamboo has worn off at the broken spots and that worries me. I did google and some say no, some say try, some say get more opinions.   The bamboo that is exposed is kind of like a used toothpic texture. The bamboo piece is incredibly solid and strong. No breaking in two.

So it is not lucky bamboo but dried drift bamboo from the ocean.  I am boiling it now.  Any advice for first time poster? I hope I can get this in right topic,


progress on pics!


bamboo drift.jpg

Edited by Kauaidoug
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I expect it will rot fast. You can use it though, it is not harmful. It would be comparable to cholla wood, which in my invert tanks lasts a year or so tops. During that time it will make mulm, but it will feed snails, shrimps, and etc.

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@Kauaidoug I haven't used driftwood that didn't come from a fish store yet but the floating part isn't unusual even after boiling- however, bury it in place in your tank and I've found that eventually it won't float anymore so if you have to take it out for cleaning or maintenance you can just set it back in place most of the time. Also, if you think there's anything that might harm your fish, sand it, peel it, scrape it, whatever you have to do- some of it will probably soften up anyway after boiling- just run your hands down it. Haven't had to do that with the driftwood from the fish store but I've had to do it with decorations- the moulds sometimes make sharp corners so I use a metal nail file to dull them down. 

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