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Shy Ember Tetra's


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Hey everyone, I was just wondering if there is any way to make my group of 10 Ember Tetras come out from hiding. I have added Corys to the tank, but they're still acting scared/shy. The tank also has Shrimp, some snails as well as the Tetras and Corys. I realize they may need more dither fish to come out, but the tank is only a 10 gallon. Please help. Thank you!

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My Embers never hid even though there were plenty of hiding places.  I recently added a small floating tangle of Anacharis, and 2 of the Embers decided that was a cool place to hang out for a few days, refusing to leave.   The Serpae Tetras and other dither fish began hanging out, and everything returned to normal. 

If this is new behavior, than just be patient.  If this is not a new thing: than dither fish won't hurt, spending more time near the aquarium might help, along with restricting feeding to a single point in the tank farthest from the embers hiding places.  I know this might be difficult. in a 10 gallon.


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