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adding new fish to 75 gallon


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So my goal is to have 8 yellow labs and 8 yellow tail acei. I'm gonna order them as 1.5 inch juveniles. If i order them all at once i'm gonna get a better deal on them. Is it possible to add 16 juveniles to a new tank all at once? I have media for the new filters that will be going on the 75g in my filters on my 125g. I also have 3 cycled sponge filters and i have a bottle of fritz zyme bottled bacteria. Can this be done or should i just add one group at a time? Worst come to worst i have a 40 breeder that i use as my quarantine tank i can put one group in there and one group to the 75g and wait a couple weeks til i add the fish from the 40 breeder. On corys video he said he adds a lot of fish at one time so just trying to figure out if this is a good or horrible idea. Thanks for any feedback

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With African cichlids, I would add them all at once. Established African cichlids tend to stake out territory and attack anyone who enters "their" space.  By dumping them all in at once no one has established territory. They're more apt to get along better all being plopped in at once. There will be no pecking order established to start with that the new fish will have to figure out.   

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Yeah i just don't want to overwhelm the beneficial bacteria i normally only at 6 fish at a time but this is my first time doing africans and people say either do one group at a time or add all at once. I'm just trying to figure out if 16 is too much to add at once even with them being juveniles. And of course i can feed them one day them skip a day or two for a few weeks as not to have an ammonia spike.

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