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Growth on a white cloud

Lynn B

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One of my long fin white clouds has a growth near his eye, but it is not on his eye.  It looks a bit like a wart, doesn't seem to bother him, but does me.  I have isolated him and treated him with Maracyn, but no change, could this just be a harmless growth or should I try something else.  Thanks.

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@Lynn Btry to get a better picture of it, it looks like you are using a cell phone, sometimes it helps not to try to zoom in too close, and to let the fish swim into the picture, rather than to try and follow it. You will notice an area the fish frequents, just try to focus there , wait, and push the button once the fish appears in the picture.

If you can get a better picture I can try search in my assortment of fish health books for you to see what it might be.

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