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Fish We're Selling This Weekend to Fish Club

Fish Folk

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So, in keeping with forum rules, this is _not_ a sale of fish here on the forum. However, this weekend, we'll be headed in to ____________ (a certain East Coast city) to sell fish to members of our fish club. There is a "fish mongers" page on our fish club where we buy, sell, and trade aquatic life online. Here are just a few photos shot tonight of fish we'll be selling. I'll post more tomorrow. Thought someone might be interested. These are all bred and raised here in our home, in our water, single tank raised. Below are . . . Electric Blue Acara, Koi Angelfish, Brilliant Rasboras, Golden Rams. 

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10 minutes ago, CorydorasEthan said:

Is it easy to breed brilliant rasboras?

For us, it happened by accident. We got a small school to act a dither fish for our Kribensis so they'd come out and display. Kribs spawned twice in that tank. The fry took forever to grow, and were impossible to catch. We had to remove everything, and do a massive water change to catch all of the kribs . . . maybe an 85% water change. Once we got all of the kribs, dumped the java moss and plants back in, refilled with fresh water, and started feeding live baby brine shrimp, they started spawning. So we moved the parents to another tank after 48 hrs and just left it alone. Then these microscopic fry started showing up. Below is a whole thread on them if you want to watch a bunch of videos. The fry were so tiny . . . unbelievable. 


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43 minutes ago, Brandy said:

how long to get to the 2 inch range do you think?

It depends on how frequently you feed them, and then how clean you keep their water. We do absolutely nothing special, so it took us about 5-6 months to get up to 2 inches. But if you feed heavy and water change a lot, they'll grow faster. Also . .  .nudge the temperature up. That helps them metabolize quicker.

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35 minutes ago, FriendlyLoach said:

I love the pics of the rams!!!

Thanks! Their grandparents were male Electric Blue / female Golden. Their parents were both Golden with blue highlights, selected from those offspring and crossed to get these. There were some rams in this batch that we probably should have kept . . . there was one that was lime green / gold. Anyway, that's why they're blue in the fins, but gold-head.

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