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So, What's Your Source Water Parameters Like?? ​📊​


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I hadn't noticed this until now, but the amount of Dissolved O2 in tap water is only half of water that has aged a bit. Fascinating!

Source: Well water from my kitchen sink at my home in central North Carolina


  • pH                   -    7.5
  • Nitrate            -    ~1      ppm
  • Nitrite             -    0        ppm
  • GH                  -    300   ppm
  • Chlorine         -    0        ppm
  • KH                  -    120    ppm
  • TDS                -     166    ppm
  • Conductivity     -     219     μS/cm
  • Dissolved  O2 -     4.8   mg/L
Edited by Daniel
The Dissolved O2 for tap water had yet to settle to the final number
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I hadn't noticed this until now, but the amount of Dissolved O2 in aged water is almost double that of well water. Fascinating!

Source: Reverse Osmosis water at my home in central North Carolina


  • pH                   -    6.9
  • Nitrate            -    ~1     ppm
  • Nitrite             -    0       ppm
  • GH                  -    0      ppm
  • Chlorine         -    0      ppm
  • KH                  -    0      ppm
  • TDS                -    28    ppm
  • Conductivity  -    43    μS/cm
  • Dissolved  O2 -     9.4   mg/L

All my water goes first in to my large aquarium from the RO unit, then any water for water changes in all the other tanks comes from the large aquarium.

Edited by Daniel
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I have a cistern set up to collect rain from just the 3rd floor gutters

  • pH           -    6.2
  • Nitrate    -    0      ppm
  • Nitrite     -    0        ppm
  • GH          -    20   ppm
  • Chlorine -    0        ppm
  • KH          -   0    ppm
  • TDS        -    20    ppm
  • Ammonia  -   0   ppm

Pennsylvania borough Tap water on the other hand, 


  • pH           -    7.8
  • Nitrate    -    0      ppm
  • Nitrite     -    0        ppm
  • GH          -   150  ppm
  • Chlorine -    0        ppm
  • KH          -   180    ppm
  • TDS        -    310    ppm
  • Ammonia  -   0   ppm
Edited by MattyIce
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  • pH           -    7.8
  • Nitrate    -    0  ppm
  • Nitrite     -    0  ppm
  • GH          -    0  ppm
  • Chlorine -    1.0  ppm
  • KH          -    7   dKH
  • TDS        -    159    ppm
Edited by StephenP2003
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I know my tapwater has a ph of 7,8, but it's soft and has a very low kh. That's especially bad, cause if you have any sort of log, coconut hut or Indian almond leaf in the tank the ph drops from 7,8 to 5-6,5 in about 24h, which can be challenging. 

Products like seachem natural regulator work way too well and have a much larger impact that it's supposed to have 

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