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My goldfish tank is not doing well.  I am desperately trying to diagnose and treat the problems.  I have consulted my local stores and tried a variety of treatment with little to no help

I originally had what I believed to be an outbreak of ick in my 75 gallon tank.  Fish were ordered and quarantined with no meds for 2 weeks with no signs of sickness. I know it should have been longer and medicated. Within a few days of the new fish in the big tank there were white spots, first on one fish, and then the next day everyone in the tank had some sort of white spot.  I assumed ich because of the short amount of time it took for the spots to spread to the entire tank.  I immediately treated by raising the temp slowly raising the temperature approximately 80 degrees and added 1 tbsp salt for every 2 gallons of water over the course of two days.  I also treated with ParaGuard by Seachem.  I vacuumed the substrate every day and dosed the tank according to the label.

Everything worked great, the spots were gone within a week.  At this point i started to drop the temperature back to 72 and did a 80 percent water change.  Then I noticed my black moor had started to to have spots where he was losing color, and the color in his lips started to fade and become almost white.  But never cotton like or fuzzy looking.  At this point I also noticed what appeared to be broken blood vessels or redish streaks in the fins of two other fish in the tank.  Also everyone in the tank has long stringy white and clear feces.

I initially thought I had a variety of secondary infections from the ick treatment.  From the direction of my local store I started treating with Kanaplex.  I didn't notice any immediate results, although no physical symptoms progressed on any of the fish in the tank.

After limited results and lots of research I decided to change up my treatment from the seachem products to the Aquarium Co-op trio.  I assumed that a broad spectrum of medication was best because I wasn't what exactly  sure what was going on.  I did another 80 percent water change to remove as much of the kanaplex from the water incase it would interact with anything moving forward.  I also added salt again, and raised the temperature.  

My initial plan was to treat with Maracyn and Ich X because i thought this may be a fungal issue.  On day 2 the black moor and butterfly now have a white translucent look on the edge of their fins, and they are starting to fray.  It looks like fin rot. Now i think maybe it is Columnaris?  They seem to have had more a reaction to the Kanaplex and Paraguard combo better.  I can treat the sickest fish in the  10 gallon QT tank with kanaplex but don't want to cause any more stress by changing up the medication.  I read that active ingredient in Kanaplex treats columnaris more effectively than Maracyn 

Sorry for the long read, I figured the more information that I can provide the better.  I have been in the hobby for a long time and have never had to deal with anything like this.  It's extremely frustrating.  Thanks so much for any help.

80 degrees, salt 1 tbsp per 2 gallons

Ph: 6.8, Ammonia: 0, KH: 80, GH: 30, Nitrite: 0, Nitrate 20  

Tank inhabitants

Black moor: white lips, white clamped and frayed fins, fuzzy white spot on tail fin, lethargic, patches of discoloration (notice the white around his eyes in the photo)

Butterfly : white frayed fins, small dots on edges of pectoral fins

Oranda and Fantail:  Blood red streaks on fins

Yuan Bao Orada : White spots on tail

4 Platys: no symptoms








Edited by GeorgetheFish
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 I don't think pH or kH GH  are problem  with the symptoms your describing you have more than one think going what I would do is treat with maracyn and ich x to cover all bases ich x treats some types of fungal infections the white spots could mean you still have ich blood red streaks could be a secondary bacterial infection 

Edited by Colu
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2 hours ago, Colu said:

 I don't think pH or kH GH  are problem  with the symptoms your describing you have more than one think going what I would do is treat with maracyn and ich x to cover all bases ich x treats some types of fungal infections the white spots could mean you still have ich blood red streaks could be a secondary bacterial infection 

Thank you for the response.  Is it possible that it could be columnaris?  If so, will that combo of medication help?  I read that Kanamycin was more effective.  

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Is it possible to determine if the infection is gram positive or negative in order to treat with the proper antibiotics?  Can Kanamycin  be used with the Maricyn and ick x combo?  

Thank you for the help!

Edited by GeorgetheFish
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