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95 Gallon Hex Project

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First off I want to say thank you all for the help you have provided this year. You have all helped me successfully set up this tank and help me correct the issues I was having with the 75 gallon I set up on my daughter's 8th birthday in January. Back in the hobby after 20 years so my only knowledge was extremely outdated.

That one might be her's but I'm proud to call the 95 Hex mine. 

I got a deal off C-list for a 95 gallon 26" diameter, 36 inch tall clear for life hexagon acrylic aquarium. My initial setup was on February 8th when I put fluorite 5" in the back to nothing up front and then filled the front with cycled 1/2" rock from the 75. A Hygger 969 titanium heater, hygger 957 LED light 24", 1 large and 1 medium CO-OP sponge filter. I then filled with 40 gallons prime treated city tap water (super hard).

2-14 added 4 giant Vallisneria along the back, 2 Anubius on either side of center, 2 madagascar lace in the middle with driftwood and a java moss covered driftwood up front.

At this time I also added 2 tablespoons ammonium chloride and topped off the tank. Ammonia 4ppm, 0 nitrite.

2-18 had my first drop in ammonia to 2ppm and nitrites to .5 ppm.

2-20 ammonia .25ppm nitrites 2ppm.

2-21 added 1/2 tablespoons ammonium chloride.

2-22 .25 ammonia 2-5ppm nitrite

2-23 <.25 ammonia 5ppm nitrite

2-24 same

2-25 <.25 ammonia .25 nitrite 20ppm nitrate. I cannot tell you how pumped I was!!! I added another tablespoon ammonium chloride to get to 2ppm.

24 hours later I was down to 0 ammonia 0 nitrite and being my plants were going nuts I was still only at 20ppm nitrates. I was CYCLED!!!!

2-28 I transferred 4 mystery snails 2 nerite snails and 6 amano shrimp to the tank to take care of some algae that had formed from having a desk lamp pointed at my BBS hatchery (as a heater right next to the big tank) lesson learned(see picture below). They took care of it in a hurry.

3-3 picked up 8 male, 18 female long fin cherry barbs, 2 male 6 female Platy and 3 bristle nose pleco. They are all doing great so far. I am surprised how low in the water column they are hanging though. 

Looking to finish with 8-10 Molly and.... I have no idea! Open to suggestions. I'd really like something to swim up top but I'm sure everyone will be more comfortable and explore more up top soon.

I love Corys but don't know how they will do with the fluorite (should have covered with sand). Angels? Pearl gouramis? All the extra guppies breeding like mad in the 75? 😂🤷🏻‍♂️ Send your thoughts my way and thank you again!






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  • 4 months later...

Ok fish friends. I hope you got a chance to see the new "fish room". With moving everything around, the Hex 95 is now the only tank upstairs in the living room. 1) because of all the tanks I have, it is the most display worthy and 2) it is almost impossible to actively breed anything in it.

I have a few ideas but would love your thoughts on possible scapes and Inhabitants. It will have 2 sponge filters and, if necessary, a blower/wavemaker up top depending on Inhabitants.


Scapes: set up with 4" of Florite under 1-2" pool sand. Other than that it's an open canvas.

Scapes: fish dependant of course.

1) plant with Val and crypts, driftwood and rockwork.

2) keep it sand and rock work.

Fish / inhabitants:

1) Angel fish primary tank and pick out any that pair off for breeding. Almost all my tanks have Cory, this wouldn't be any different, a few pleco and amano shrimp.

2) Barb tank. Stock with tiger barbs and anything else as a cleanup that can survive the murder gangs of tigers.

3) Lake Tanganyika Cichlids. Some Shellies across the bottom and another species that hangs in open water.

4) Colorful ciclid tank under 6". (I'm very novice with bigger Ciclid)

5) Electric Blue Acara tank.

This will be the main floor display tank. I want any novice to walk in and fall in love with it so it has to show well. I listed a few things I have in mind but I'd love some NERM feedback and ideas. Let me know your thoughts!!!


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I just finished my first reseal project (a 60 hex) and am thinking about doing both of you above #1s.  I was also thinking about doing sand but have read that it isn't a good plant substrate because it compacts too much. is that not the case when you are only using it as a cap? Also I really liked your original scape. the light gravel and open space in the front had a nice contrast with the dark substrate and plants/decor in the back

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On 7/26/2021 at 10:38 AM, Tower258 said:

I just finished my first reseal project (a 60 hex) and am thinking about doing both of you above #1s.  I was also thinking about doing sand but have read that it isn't a good plant substrate because it compacts too much. is that not the case when you are only using it as a cap? Also I really liked your original scape. the light gravel and open space in the front had a nice contrast with the dark substrate and plants/decor in the back

Your Hex looks good @Tower258.  I think my #1 options will work great in your tank.  I mainly use the capped sand to keep sediments down doing the initial water fill and to keep my Cory's happy.  I see no reason why it wouldn't work in yours.  The plants will have no problem growing through that shallow layer.  Yours being shorter gives you way more control with planting and with pulling anything out that you need to.  I literally have to lay on top of this tank with a long BBQ tongs to plant anything at the bottom.  Extendable nets are a life saver for getting anything off the bottom also.  I will show some updates tonight on how I planted and scaped the tank.

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Got the tank scaped this last week and everything looks to be doing well. Including the Cardinal and Neon tetras I rehomed for someone that couldn't take care of their tanks any longer. I think I will go with the angels and Cory to complete the stocking. Now the question is, do I stick with the Koi angels that I have already or do I get another kind... 🤔




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I think koi angels will be perfect. I have platinum and blue paraiba angels in a 120 gallon tank with a black background. But I am setting up a peninsula tank now, and koi angels are going to be in that one. I think they will look great in your tank.

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I don't know how I missed this.  Great tank!  I'm super jealous you managed to find a deal on a used tank around here.  I check that same site here and there.  One of the oddest things I have found about living in the Midwest is how much people think their used junk is worth.  A quick check today and you can find someone selling a used big box store setup, which they acknowledge, for more than if it were new.  I want to know who is buying this stuff at those prices?!

Rant aside, that's such a nice tank, and you've set it up beautifully twice now!  I've been mulling a project that would require a large hex tank.  I too like the appeal of the display tank in the living area of the house.  But, I'll admit that as I work to complete an automatic water change system for my rack - boy, do water changes suddenly feel onerous!  Are you finding that too with your new fish room?

Anyhow, it's a really nice tank, and I look forward to seeing how it matures.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Something old, something new and something blue! 😂

Current stocking came from a little of everywhere.

Something old: Rehomed 3 types of tetra's for an elderly lady that couldn't take care of her tanks anymore. They will be good in here for a while until their tank mates grow. Moved 4 Otto's from what is now going to be a shrimp tank.

Something new: 5 platinum Angels about quarter sized. Looking forward to growing these out and watching them pair off. 4 long fin blue eye bristlenose.

Something blue: 6 beautiful electric Blue rams.

Most everything in the track is young and growing out. I'm looking forward to watching them grow and pair off. At that point they will probably get their own tank for a bit but for now I can just sit, relax and watch.


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On 8/7/2021 at 4:45 PM, DSH OUTDOORS said:

6 beautiful electric Blue rams

Whoa!  Those are some nice looking fish!  Plus, I just realized how much I like the petrified wood in there.  I had a piece I was proud of once.  Lost it in one of my many moves along the way somewhere.  Still miss it.  It's a good addition to the right kind of tank.  That's the right kind of tank.

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