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Am I going to be a fish grandpa?


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I woke up this morning and looked into my quarantine tank and one of my medaka had two eggs stuck to her butt.  Does this only happen when they're fertilized and will hatch?  Should I do something?  Will they eat their fry?  I gave them a mop when I got them since I heard they liked plants to swim around in and I didn't have anything real ready.



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My ricefish lay eggs all the time, I've noticed that some of the eggs will not be fertilized though. The eggs will be like cory eggs where the unfertilized ones will be a full white while the fertilized ones will be clearish or clearish yellow. You could try to put the eggs in a small plastic container and put a small airstone in it. The ricefish will probably eat the fry and eggs but if you have hiding spots, the fry and eggs should be fine

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