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When did Easy Green add Potassium?

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Hi Everyone,

I was listening to a live stream the other day, and Cory mentioned that Easy Green now has potassium. I checked, and yup, so does the bottle I own. My question:

Does anyone know when potassium was added (or upped)? I've been adding extra potassium because, in the past, I'd noticed deficiencies in my Java ferns. But now I add it as habit - I don't have a K test kit. I'd sure like to stop adding extra if I don't have too.

Thanks so much! 🙂

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I know easy green has always had potassium but my best guess to when they upped it was when they went to the smaller bottle size. If everything looks good you should be fine. You could slowly decrease the amount of extra K you add every other week or so until/if you see deficiencies. Once you notice deficiencies then you know to dose the amount you did the weeks before the deficiencies showed. Maybe you wont even need the extra K!!

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Whether you stop the extra doses of potassium depends on how many plants you have (and their size) that feed heavily on potassium. Most epiphytes like Java ferns, bolbitis, anubias, etc. consume a whole lot of potassium. I have a heavily planted tank and not only do I dose Easy Green with potassium 3 times a week, I also dose extra potassium every other day because in 48 hours, my plants will consume every drop of potassium. My suggestion is to invest in a potassium test kit. NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphates & Potassium) are the three most important nutrients for plants, so understanding what's happening in your tank with those three is really important.

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Thanks.   Cory will Aquarium Co Op ever offer the fertilizer package with the 60 count fertilizer root tabs?  
I believe the unit price is already cheaper than the unit price on the 20 count, not looking for a bigger discount- I just was curious.   

thanks for all the team does .

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Thanks so much for the helpful replies- looks like I’m in the “continue to add” camp as I’m starting to notice deficiencies. I’ll look into a test kit- I hate testing though! I guess I’ll bite the bullet 😊

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  • 2 months later...

Hello to all! I am noticing the telltale signs of potassium deficiencies in my java fern. I checked out the blogs, and yep, it's potassium deficiency. So I looked on the Easy Green bottle, no potassium listed. Then I read this forum post, and supposedly there IS potassium. Am I not seeing something that should be obvious? Potassium is literally not listed on my newest bottle of Easy Green, and the specs listed on the Co-op site do not list Potassium either. So I'm confused.

(Edit: I have now done more research, and have learned that "Soluble Potash" is technically potassium. No one indicated that little tidbit in this thread. I'm glad I looked into it further; I learned something new today!)


Edited by beaka
Further observation.
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45 minutes ago, beaka said:

Hello to all! I am noticing the telltale signs of potassium deficiencies in my java fern. I checked out the blogs, and yep, it's potassium deficiency. So I looked on the Easy Green bottle, no potassium listed. Then I read this forum post, and supposedly there IS potassium. Am I not seeing something that should be obvious? Potassium is literally not listed on my newest bottle of Easy Green, and the specs listed on the Co-op site do not list Potassium either. So I'm confused.

(Edit: I have now done more research, and have learned that "Soluble Potash" is technically potassium. No one indicated that little tidbit in this thread. I'm glad I looked into it further; I learned something new today!)




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