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Can I add a Blood parrot or gold spot severum?


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I have the Marine land 60 gallon tank 12x48x24
water parameters:

  • pH - 7.9
  • Nitrates - 20
  • Hardness - 7.5
  • Nitrite -0
  • Ammonia - 0
  • KH/Buffer - 5
  • Water Temperature - 79


9 neon tetra (been in tank whole time)
1 pearl gourami (10 months)
M and F apisto caucatoides (6 months)
5 sterbi cories (1 year)
5 khuli loaches (1 year)
1 super red bristlenose pleco (1 year)
2 Bolivian rams (10 months)
1 silver hatchet fish (10 months)
1 pearl scale marble angel (3 months
nerite snails, MTS, Amano shrimp

i currently water change every 2 weeks and even before changes my nitrate is only 20. Everyone is healthy and doing well. I hate to rock the boat as things are going well but was wondering about adding a blood parrot (my wife likes them as do I) or a gold spot severum as they are beautiful. 

what does the group think? good idea , bad idea, do something different? The tank is just not as active or as full as I would like and my parameters seem to tell me there is room for more? Thanks!


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I have a blood parrot, and even though he doesn't have a mouth suited for it, he still tries very hard to catch the fry I feed my ctenopoma as population control. I imagine any sort of neon or cardinal could be in trouble. Sassonic Aquariums on Youtube has a video of one of his blood parrots eating a rainbow shark. 

(Despite this, I totally encourage you to get a blood parrot in a different aquarium some time. They really are fun.)

I have never kept a severum, but I do know they are known to be plant destroyers. They would also easily eat many of your fish. 

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I notice a few things about this tank:

Lots of wood and hardscape providing structure, and joy for bottom-feeders.

Many green plants at various layers throughout the aquarium. Cozy and productive.

Hiding places! Look at all the places where fry can hide in this tank.

Please tell me that there are shrimp in this tank!

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@Streetwise  thanks again. I have 3 Amanos in there. I was hesitant about neocardina with the other stocking. I have red cherries in my 20g and never culled. Today with things I learned on this site I decided that was probably a good idea. So I got 15 or so culls out of my 20 and added them to to this one. We will see what happens.....  


the problems with this is that if they live I can’t add the blues or oranges I was thinking of. If they don’t Live I saved myself disappointment I guess 🤷‍♂️

have been wanting to add kore amanos. They were the first shrimp I ever bought shortly after starting the tank a year ago

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5 minutes ago, Streetwise said:

I notice a few things about this tank:

Lots of wood and hardscape providing structure, and joy for bottom-feeders.

Many green plants at various layers throughout the aquarium. Cozy and productive.

Hiding places! Look at all the places where fry can hide in this tank.

Please tell me that there are shrimp in this tank!

@Streetwise I would love to get some breeding out of my sterbi. I was hoping for something from my caucatoides but nothing much this far. Tried with the Bolivians but ended up with two males. Any suggestions?

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@AquaAggie, I hope to do more breeding beyond Neo shrimp in the future. I am still working on White Clouds. The forum should have many experts to advise you on breeding. I try to provide hiding spaces as a shrimp-keeper, which I think would be positive for any fry.

Edited by Streetwise
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@Streetwise it is always nice to have other people say nice things about your tanks and designs. I know not everyone is crazy about fake decor, but come on what’s a fish tank without a castle 🏰 😂. That rock structure on the right is hollow even so it’s a giant cave in an upside down terra cotta pot. And nobody uses it 🤦‍♂️  

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2 hours ago, H.K.Luterman said:

(Despite this, I totally encourage you to get a blood parrot in a different aquarium some time. They really are fun.)

I do want to. I think they are great and they are my wife’s favorites. But no room for another tank now. 

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