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What will eat dragonfly larvae but not baby shrimp?


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Okay okay I’m getting the summer tubbing bug. 😄 Once I connected the dots and realized I could breed shrimp, wheels started to turn.

My question is: is it possible to set up a tub with shrimp and fish in such a way that I have something to eat dragonfly and mosquito larvae, while still getting the shrimp to breed? Trying to do a tub with just  shrimp and no fish seems like a recipe for disaster out here in rural Maryland. Lots of different kinds of dragonflies visit our garden every summer, as well as LOTS of mosquitos.

Or is my best bet to have a shrimp-only pond but cover it tightly with a fine screen?

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I would put largeish mesh on to exclude the dragon flies, but let the mosquitos do their thing. Dragon fly larvae and shrimp are too close to the same size, I think. 

Then guppies or whiteclouds or similar to eat the mosquitos, and a pile of rocks in the bottom for shrimp to hide in until they are past eating size. Part of the fun of tubbing outside for me would be the auto feeding effect of mosquitos.

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Fish will eat shrimp babies. Even minnows and guppies, so I would avoid fish if you want to be successful. If you do not provide aquatic plants for dragonfly  or damselfly to lay there eggs in they tend not to attempt to lay eggs. If the eggs are exposed the shrimp will eat them. If you are really worried about dragonfly and damselfly larvae mesh is your best bet. Mosquito larvae will still find a way in no matter what. If you do not want to use them as fish food for your indoor aquaria, you can buy nematodes that specifically prey on mosquito larvae. They will leave your shrimp alone.


Edit: mesh would be best anyway, as aquatic beetles will wreak havoc on your tub when they find it. You guys get the large predatory beetles that even eat fish if I recall correctly

Edited by Biotope Biologist
forgot about predatory aquatic beetles
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I grow cherry shrimp in an outdoor pond. I never get mosquito larva there, but I do get mosquito larva in the buckets I set out just for the purpose of growing mosquito larva.

I get dragonfly larva in the cherry shrimp pond, but it doesn't seem to reduce the cherry shrimp population at all. As far as I can tell the dragonfly larva feed mainly off of tadpoles of which there are plenty.

And the dragonfly larva turn into dragonflies and dragonflies are ruthless and efficient mosquito hunters.

So I just leave everything be without trying to manipulate too much and it all turns out fine.

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1 hour ago, Biotope Biologist said:

Fish will eat shrimp babies. Even minnows and guppies, so I would avoid fish if you want to be successful.

Yep, true, but yet I raise hundreds of shrimp under guppies indoors all the time. I think it depends on how you set up your tank. Adequate cover is everything.

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Lots of plants, maybe a root, or two and you won't have any problems with fish eating your baby shrimp. I've previously kept Guppies, Texas Mosquito Fish, and White Clouds in a deck pond and had no problems with mosquitoes, nor dragonflies. In my 75 gallon tank with roots and heavy plant load the Blue Velvet Neocaridina shrimp are multiplying to the point I might have to give some away and that's with Cardinal Tetras, extremely large Rummynose Tetras, and Bolivian Rams which take no notice of them as they literally swim circles around them.

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