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Tiger lotus bulb smells bad but still sprouted leaves

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Hello folks, 

i had two tiger lotus bulbs I got from the Co-op, (unsprouted) and put them in an aquarium loose to sprout them so I can plant them the right way up. One is fine and is now planted, but I realized the other sprouted too but really smells (sulphur/rotten eggs) smell so I’ve removed it to a container about a week ago.

The leaves have continued to grow but the bulb still stinks 😷 Should I just throw it out, or continue to see if it will grow? I thought perhaps I could cut the bulb or something, but none of it feels soft/rotten, still hard to to the touch. I’m loath to throw it out since it did sprout and I don’t want to waste it and it’s a living thing. 

thank you for any advice! 

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Does it make your whole tank smell?  How did you determine it was stinking?  

I generally would leave things be if they seem to be growing, especially if it's still hard and not mushy. Obviously if the smell is pervasive, you may want to take a different action.

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