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Will my fish enjoy this much flow?


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I just replaced my planted tank, and while I was at it I cleaned my sponge that is powered by a power head. I realized that the flow is quite strong. I am worried about the honey gourami and neon tetras not liking it. The flow is a single jet that is maybe as powerful as a medium to large HOB filter. The fish can swim against it fine, but do you think they like it or are stressed by it. There are places in the tank where the flow is almost non-existent.


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I'm switching my Eheim 2217 (1,000 L/hr) for my Eheim 2213 (440L/hr) because the former is like a friggin' vortex in my 17 gallon tank.  Waaaaay overkill.  I can't really feel it will my giant, oscar-sized hands, and like you I also observe relatively low-flow spots.  But I know it's bothering my fish for a few reasons:

  1. They stay in the low flow spots, except for feeding time
  2. Their tails sometimes bend in the current when they're standing -er, floating - still
  3. I've observed that it's really difficult for my nano fish to swim past the current right near the outflow
  4. My nano fish aren't super colorful like I think they should be, and I suspect it may be because they are nervous around that flow

Aquascapers always go overkill on the filter size.  I just want my fish to be happy...so I'm downsizing.  I happen to have two canister filters anyway.

I guess my two cents is just observe your fish and see if they seem uncomfortable?

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You should be advised that some sources claim powerheads move water through a sponge too quickly for it to be effective as a biofilter. According to them, you want a slower movement of water through a sponge filter. I'm not sure I agree with them, but there are many out there who insist you need a slower flow through a sponge filter. Even Matten filters typically have a very low flow rate through them.

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