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cherry shrimp tap water question and some plant update / questions


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Hello all , 

having some successes this week and slowly learning ,
I replaced the top on my aqueon 7.5 kit with a custom built lid and got the fluval 3.0 nano /  plus root tabs from the co op!

The effects are supper interesting (at least for me) the biggest effect was on my crypts lutea after two day with better lights (even before root tabs) the crypts grew tons of new fresh green leaves (always thought of this one as a low light plant) after along time of nothing  ,

My micro sword is carpeting well was doing pretty good before the ne light too !!

my hygrophila polysperma that was the fastest grower before new light (its basically an invasive weed that is illegal in some southern states but legal in Manhattan )  went straight up like soldiers  but does not grow as fast anymore 

not what a thought that will happen but cool !!

thinking about playing with some CO2 but this is for another day

Now after I bored you all I have a question about keeping neocaridina in tap water ? who had success doing that  ?

I am using NYC tap water in my tank it seams to be stable so far 0. ammonia, 0 nitrite , about 20 nitrate, PH 7.0  , KH 40 ppm (problem?) , GH 150 ppm (my tap water are hard)  I have pink Ramshorn snails that are doing good and having lots of babies and 4 guppies two normal two endlers 

what do you think can I bring in some shrimp?  some of the internet is telling me no ROI water no go 

I attached a picture of my 2 months old tank still nothing to write home about but  gives me great pleasure 
also I can not get a good picture with my phone of my bountiful endlers the move too fast 😞 


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Hi, as I understand it your water parameters sound good, your Kh and Gh are a bit on the lower end, but I doubt it will cause a problem the only thing I see that might pose a problem is the nitrate, but given that your fish are happy it will probably also be fine. For the most part neocaridina shrimp prefer to have a lot of minerals in their water, whereas something like a caridina shrimp would need softer water which is where a reverse osmosis unit might be useful. Good luck!

Edited by FlyingFishKeeper
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1 minute ago, Colu said:

It all depends on what species of shrimp your keeping it like fish some like soft acidic water other like hard alkaline water  

I would like to get neocaridina , cherry or ideally nice blue ones since I have red snails in the tank  

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Neocaridina prefer to have harder water, with a pH of 7.0 or above. Most neocaridina shrimp in the aquarium hobby are of the Neocaridina davidi species of shrimp so a red cherry shrimp is the same as a blue dream. They are the same shrimp just with a different appearance so these parameters will work for pretty much all of the different variations similar to different strains of guppies, endlers, etc needing roughly the same water. Wikipedia has a list of neocaridina shrimp and a page on the individual species, and I also highly recommend Aquarium Coop's care guides on them too.

Edited by FlyingFishKeeper
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I think your water is fine, but you mentioned possibly using CO2 in the future.  I'd urge you to be cautious about that since I've seen some reports that it will, or at least can, cause pH swings that shrimp don't handle well.

I haven't used CO2, so hopefully someone who has can address that.

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3 minutes ago, JettsPapa said:

I think your water is fine, but you mentioned possibly using CO2 in the future.  I'd urge you to be cautious about that since I've seen some reports that it will, or at least can, cause pH swings that shrimp don't handle well.

I haven't used CO2, so hopefully someone who has can address that.

I am a newb, I went to a store to buy a fish tank for my daughter  I got back with a tank full of plants and no fish 
I had no idea that I will go down that rabbit hole now I am obsessed about these plants .

I don't think any of these plants I currently have need CO2 thou I got a fancy light and I am dossing easy green daily now otherwise the plants start to suffer .... long story short I will get another tank do a more fancy scaping and leave this one for my doughtier 

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