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The fish naming thread!

The hardest thing in this hobby is naming your fish, especially for non-creative people like me. So I thought I would make a thread where us NERMS can put in what we think is the "best fish names" for people to scroll though and choose their new fishes name. Or perhaps they post a picture of there new oscar and ask for name suggestions.

I really like Astro, Cosmo, or Marlin for fish names. Whats yours?

Edited by James Black
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I am the worst. I don't name fish intentionally. So they end up something like "the female ram" or somehow they end up spontaneously named. I have literally more than 100 fish. To date, 3 have names:

I have a betta named "piglet".

I have a male pea puffer named "puff daddy".

I have a female guppy that a child named "Gloria". This one cracks me up the most.

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Funny thing, I am terrible coming up with names. I was looking at my galaxy koi betta trying to come up with an appropriate "spacey" name. Naming him after Carl Sagan didn't sound right, but his book The Cosmic Connection came to mind and then bingo - Cosmo!

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I like giving things names, even my car. All of my big fish have names, and a few of the little ones I can tell apart from the others.

Senegal bichirs: Dragon, Pyewacket, Dinky

Featherfin Catfish: Pooka

Betta: Mister Mojo

Pea puffer: Murderbean

Blood Parrot Cichlid: Igor

Molly: The Unsinkable Molly Brown

Ctenopoma: Rude 'Tude Gertrude (the dude?)

Bent spine platy: Ziggy

Biggest platy: Big Booty Judy

I had a "King" Betta named Tchotchke, a female senegal bichir named Ogopogo, and another betta named Turd Ferguson but they have all passed away.


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I’m not great at naming, so I end up giving my fish names based on their characteristics. My smallest young tetras are all called Slim. There’s also Mom Fish and Dad Fish, the gourami breeding pair. I used to have Big Loach and Little Loach, but now they’re the same size. I can still tell them apart though so I should come up with new names for them.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Loach 1


Loach 2 (apparently more camera shy but not shy in real life!)


And both together!


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5 hours ago, Brandy said:

 I have a female guppy that a child named "Gloria". This one cracks me up the most.

My son doesn't quite "get" names yet so we just have "yellow fish!" "blue fish!" "orange fish!" (guppies) and yes the exclamation points are important.

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1 hour ago, Hobbit said:

I’m not great at naming, so I end up giving my fish names based on their characteristics. My smallest young tetras are all called Slim. There’s also Mom Fish and Dad Fish, the gourami breeding pair. I used to have Big Loach and Little Loach, but now they’re the same size. I can still tell them apart though so I should come up with new names for them.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Loach 1


Loach 2 (apparently more camera shy but not shy in real life!)


And both together!


he looks like a frank or bob.

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Probably not a popular opinion on this thread, but not a big fan of naming fish. They are wonderful, don't get me wrong but with few exceptions not exactly the type of animal that should get a moniker. I would not be able to bring myself to flushing a creature that has a name. 

That being said, I don't limit this mindset to aquatic charges. I also don't like when other animals (cats and dogs for example) get "human" names. 

Gone are the days when the dog was Spot or Rover and the children were Jimmy and Sally. Now it's almost the other way around. 

Not picking on anyone, just making a point. 

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My fish usually have to somehow earn their names, so most are nameless.  My first common Pleco was Leviathan.  At 16" it would  cast a shadow as it swam across the tank.  The oldest and largest of the Barbs are 3 of 9 and 6 of 9.  Trekkies will understand that thought process.  The cleanup crew is known collectively as the 3 SAEsons.  I can't tell them apart.

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10 hours ago, Philip said:

I also don't like when other animals (cats and dogs for example) get "human" names.

That’s fair. I feel this way about chickens. They need names because I talk to them, but the names they got are Goldie, Fluffy, Puff Puff, Toothless, Pretty Girl, and Sister. No human names for those girls!

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I had a goldfish named Goldie, a clown loach named Fishy and a betta named Dimitri.  The current fish are too new to have names yet.  My furry critters get better names - the dog is Tobias, the cats are Cheshire, Jackie, Ava and Aiden.  Oh, and the rooster was Mr. Sanders Chicky-poo Buck Buck, or Chicky for short.  

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Special fish get special names. My 2 golden dojo loaches are Supercalifrgilisticexpialidocious, and Bob. My community fish do get names for the sake of my 4 year old daughter. For those i just randomly assign names from the Nato Phonetic Alphabet. Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, etc... which is funny when you have a nano fish named Oscar for the letter O. 

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Agreed with @Will Billy that naming is reserved for only certain fish. In general, breeding project fish are _not_ named. And since that is most of what we work on, few fish are named. So . . . among fish we're not breeding . . . 


1 Fancy Goldfish named "Sonic." 

1 Discus named "Disco." 

1 Peacock Cichlid named "Joe." 

1 Male Betta named "Splotches." 


I think that's it. For reference . . . we keep about 400 fish. 

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@Fish Folk it was so easy to name every fish when you would start off with that 10 gallon, and every fish looked different. Only two of my fish have names which is my angelfish (little timmy, because when I got him one of his pectoral fins was shorter then the other and it was the smallest angel in the store tank) And then my betta named Hugo. 

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I belong to another forum where someone brought up this question, and got a reply from someone who had named a fish B. B. King.  I replied that if he was going to use blues artists as inspiration Muddy Waters would be a great name.

I only have two fish with names.  My wife named the koi angelfish Pinto (which is pretty much the extent of her interest in my aquariums), and I have a one-eyed serpae tetra named Jack (as in one-eyed Jack in a deck of cards).

On 2/16/2021 at 2:54 PM, Brandy said:

I am the worst. I don't name fish intentionally. So they end up something like "the female ram" or somehow they end up spontaneously named. I have literally more than 100 fish. To date, 3 have names:

I have a betta named "piglet".

I have a male pea puffer named "puff daddy".

I have a female guppy that a child named "Gloria". This one cracks me up the most.

My wife brought home two kittens last year. Our grandson, who wasn't quite 3 at the time, promptly named them Ghost and Broccoli.  Things like that really make you wonder what goes through those little heads.

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On 2/17/2021 at 12:44 PM, Emika_B said:

I had a goldfish named Goldie, a clown loach named Fishy and a betta named Dimitri.  The current fish are too new to have names yet.  My furry critters get better names - the dog is Tobias, the cats are Cheshire, Jackie, Ava and Aiden.  Oh, and the rooster was Mr. Sanders Chicky-poo Buck Buck, or Chicky for short.  

Lol, I have a cat whose full name is "HIs Majesty Prince Wasabi Stabby-toes, King of the Bildge Rats". We call him Sabi most of the time, and Wasabi! when he is in trouble.

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30 minutes ago, Brandy said:

Lol, I have a cat whose full name is "HIs Majesty Prince Wasabi Stabby-toes, King of the Bildge Rats". We call him Sabi most of the time, and Wasabi! when he is in trouble.

My grandson's middle name is Edward, which of course he never hears unless he's either in trouble or about to be.  A few months ago his little dog Basil did something he didn't like, so he yelled "Basil Edward!!!".

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I too only name certain fish. For me animal names come from their characteristics and some randomness. Betta 1 was called Lil Buddy and Fishy Friend for over a year and one day a scene from Gilligan's Island popped in my head so now he is Gilligan. Betta 2 is Sharkbait- when he looks up he reminds me of how they draw and color cartoon sharks. Pudge is the only male flagfish in my 75 gallon so I felt he needed a name. He's pudgy compared to my other fish and his face/stature reminds me of an english bulldog. He however does not control the weather or eat peanut butter sandwiches. I have not tried the latter, I'm just assuming. Then there's Oddball the neon tetra. He has never developed the bright blue that the others have, just a dull blah line. He has a very pretty thin gold stripe though. Last, we have Gary the female nerite... Thanks kids lol

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I don't normally name anything in the community tanks, except one Bristlenose known as "Hoover". 

My now passed huge King Kong Parrot had his own tank and used to go after me when I did water changes, making me "bomp"  him with the syphon to keep him from biting me.  He actually drew blood once even though he always looked like he was smiling and friendly.....   So he got dubbed "Syd Vicious"  

It took me a year to learn if fed first his demeanour changed to sweet.  


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