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Community tank question/ suggestion


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So i have a 200 gallon aquarium and i wanna set it up as a big community tank, i was thinking about putting in silver dollars khuli loaches, yoyo loaches, rubber lip plecos and blue dream neocaridina. Going to be heavily planted in one end, have a bit of a rock structure in the middle and a bunch of drift wood off of that, sand for the substrate 

Does anyone see any problems with this selection of fish or have any suggestions, i know khuli loaches aren't necessarily the greatest idea because water parameter requirements 

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38 minutes ago, brandon4456 said:

they like water on the acidic side and super soft, most the other fish prefer closer to neutral and medium to hard water


I have kuhli loaches in 8 pH and very hard water, they're thriving and they're always out and about in the tank, I see them every day

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I had to move my yoyo loaches out of the 65 gallon planted tank because my blue and cherry shrimp kept vanishing. Shrimp are thriving now that the yoyos are gone. My wife watched one of them kill a cherry shrimp. My kuhli loaches have been in this tank for a year now at 7.6 ph. They are out and about every day

Edited by Chrisdis
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1 hour ago, brandon4456 said:

they like water on the acidic side and super soft, most the other fish prefer closer to neutral and medium to hard water


Oh, right! I often care about hardness and pH more than some people do, for kuhli loaches I decided to listen to several people like Tory here. I too have water on the harder, alkaline side. Thanks for reminding me 👍

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that's a good note to have for the khuli loaches, everywhere online says other wise but i trust experience and for the yoyo loaches eating shrimp i'm already aware they like to do that, i have a small 10 gallon on my desk i was planning on having as a shrimp reserve as well as let the shrimp have a few weeks to settle in before yoyos are added, they're to keep the shrimp and snail i can never get rid of in check


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