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New plants and snails?


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So I am starting a new tank and my plants should arrive from aquarium coop in a few hours. I am wondering if there is a possibility that there will be snails on the plants? I do not want them and will take precautions if necessary. Thanks for a heads up!

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Less of a possibility and more of a certainty. I got two red ramshorn snails in my order. I was happy about it as I like snails and had just bought some red and blue ramshorn snails a few weeks earlier. They were very small and in a completely different tank from the ones I'd bought, so I was happy. If you absolutely don't want snails then tissue-cultured plants are your only real option.

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I believe alum is the best at removing snails, while hydrogen peroxide is a bit better at removing pest algae like BBA. However i will caution you that some species of plants can be affected negatively by plant dips, while most other species would be fine. What plants are you planing to buy? That would help us determine if the plant dip would be safe for your plants. 

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Snails will only take over the tank if there is a major imbalance with nutrients, meaning light, or ferts, fish waste, or left over fish food. In a tank where you do regular large water changes and keep an eye on water values you will likely never experience a "coup of the Snails." LOL I deliberately employ Nerite snails, especially the Zebra Nerites and Military Helmet Nerite Snails to help with controlling algae in my tank.

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I've dipped some Marimo moss balls,  anubias, dwarf water lettuce, and crypt in alum, and so far they're doing fine. The crypt lost all its leaves but all mine have pretty much done that anyway, and grew back. The roots are still strong and healthy. I currently have java moss in alum treatment.

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There is never a dumb question. Better to be sure, than sorry. My uncle used to say it is far more damaging to be misunderstood, than to be not understood at all. Usually an incorrect action can cause more harm than no action at all. Happy to help, and enjoy your new plants. 😊

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I have all my plants in quarantine, some looking better than others after being in transit for 8 days, ugh. I’m a bit hesitant to plant the Monte Carlo as I am understanding it will take over the floor . I would prefer to have small areas of it and attach it to a piece of wood. Is this possible to do? Would it stay in a pot or still end up all over the place?

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