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Live plants long shipping time

Joe cool

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I don’t blame aquarium coop for this except maybe they could have offered and suggested I pay a little extra for expedited shipping which I would have should have done. 
I am 12 hours / <800 miles straight down I5 from their location but USPS sent my plants to Utah, then  Nevada, and finally California. I didn’t get them until 4 days after they were mailed. 
When I finally got them leaves were pretty limp. I planted them immediately but they don’t seem to be thriving. Brown patches forming on the leaves. Anything you can suggest to help keep these plants alive?

Fertilized with root tabs only at this point, I don’t think I should add liquid fertilizer until I see signs of growth. 8 hours of light per day. 29 gallon tank with 6 corydoras, 12 neon tetras and 2 mystery snails. Gravel substrate with the root tabs, fairly hard well water no chlorine or softeners. 

Pretty new to this, all suggestions welcomed. 



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Have to agree, they look good to me. How were the root systems? As long as those are healthy and in tact, and the plants were still moist in their packaging, you should do just fine. I agree with holding off on liquid ferts until they start showing growth -- at least, I believe that is the protocol @Irene has recommended in her videos.

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The browning leaves have me dismayed but the plants were still moist and the roots good. Some broken leaves. I am going to have patience, but I am going to be pissed at USPS if they don’t come around. 
I am already pissed at USPS. 
Can’t believe USPS took 100 hours to deliver, I am on the same interstate freeway that Aquarium coop is on, no need to go to Utah and Nevada. I could drive it in 12 hours all on the same road. 
I don’t like the plant selection at my local places. It’s like Java Fern or nothing. I like the grassy looking plants. 
I am a grumpy bastard tonight. Sorry. 

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The way modern shipping works is from a hub design. You could live right next door to the Coop and if your plants were shipped they'd still go to the regional hub before working their way back to you. It seems a bit screwy at times, but it's the most efficient method for shippers. 

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USPS is all messed up right now. I ordered a bunch of stuff last Thursday, one being a Fluval 3.0 so it got shipped separate. Both packages shipped at same time Fri morning, The light was at my door Monday at noon. I still haven't gotten my other package and its not out for delivery today. They went to totally different distribution centers. The package that hasn't shown up went to center about half hour from me, and then to two different ones over an hour further away. Thankfully, its just a bunch of dry goods, no live plants this time. 

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I have had plant orders that took two weeks to arrive, and the plants have been fine.  In winter.  With no heat packs! (Not from the Co-op!) On the other hand, I have had plants arrive in 3 days and they froze somewhere along the line, browning the leaves and turning the rhizomes into mush.  If it's just the leaves, I don't worry so much.  If it's the roots or rhizomes, they may not recover.  You can email customer service and send a photo, they may have some advice for you.  And also that way if the plants don't make it you have established that they arrived in rough condition.  I have killed many a plant from this fine establishment, and known it was my fault.  But when they send something damaged in shipping, I know they will make it right.

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USPS took a full week with my first plant order from AC (at Christmas even - so weather less than ideal). The plants weren't super happy looking but I put them in 2 different tanks anyway. I did remove any dead growth before I placed them, then put them in the tanks and just left them alone to do their thing. There was some die-back/melting, but I let them be. They all rebound and are doing great.

You didn't note when you received the plants. If it was recently, give them time. I'd suggest giving them at least 2 weeks, better to give a month imo, before you decide they're not making it. They don't perk up instantly. It takes time for them to get established and rebound. Be patient, and ten-to-one, they'll rebound nicely. 🙂

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A998AF7A-ADAE-4A58-9F86-87252575AB44.jpeg.c1a7776cee3e77cf8ff91e676c442706.jpegIt hasn’t even been two weeks yet. Nothing is really thriving but nothing is outright dying either. They are all rooting plants so I hope that is where they are putting their energy. 

I am getting some algae and some fuzz on the driftwood so I got 10 otocinclus catfish  yesterday and they are working hard. Other inhabitants are six panda Cory catfish and a dozen neon tetras. 

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