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Aquarium Co-Op fry food


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Hey guys I regularly feed aquarium co-ops fry food to my community tank all the fish enjoy it. I want to get into breeding and wanted to know if small fry like rams, corydoras etc can eat the fry food after they consume the egg yolk or do they need more fine food?

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2 hours ago, Bruce said:

@s1_ is first bites smaller than the fry food?

Bruce, hopefully someone that knows for sure will chime in.  I believe that foods like first bites, sera micron, and golden pearls are smaller than the coop fry food.  The fry food is great for guppy size babies and up but I think with rams you would need a smaller food to start with.  

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1 hour ago, Larrimore said:

I haven't tried the fry food yet and I've never tried rams.  I have had good luck with golden pearls and rainbowfish.  Golden pearls is basically a powder.

I've also heard of people using the repashy powder like fry food

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40 minutes ago, Ryan S. said:

Bruce, hopefully someone that knows for sure will chime in.  I believe that foods like first bites, sera micron, and golden pearls are smaller than the coop fry food.  The fry food is great for guppy size babies and up but I think with rams you would need a smaller food to start with.  

Yeah the fry food is small but not as small as the infusoria and such I'd imagine having smaller food helps

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First bites is like dust, it seemed smaller to me. They sell it in a tiny bag because you wont need much before they eat the easy fry or other things.

I used the easy fry for livebearers of all sizes it worked very good.

I like to keep some first bites or the micron for the tiny fish or runts that cant/wont eat baby brine. 

I say get them all and see what works best for you and your stock. That's where the fun is. 


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I haven't tried the coop's fry food yet, but I have been raising CPD fry (basically eyes on a tail) on a mix of First Bites and Sera Micron fry food. I only recently picked up the jar of Micron, and wish I'd had it when they were only days old. It is consistently tiny enough for week old fry to eat, the Hikari had enough that were their size, but definitely larger pieces mixed throughout. I've continued feeding both, just to mix things up with them, and was going to throw in a bottle of coop fry food with my next order to increase variety.

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