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Xtreme Krill Flakes = Lots of Poop?


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Hi all!

I recently started feeding Xtreme Krill flakes to my zebra danios and I have noticed a large increase in the amount of poop in my tank. I started feeding less thinking I was over feeding, but I don't think that was the case. I know this is a high quality food but I am wondering if anyone else has noticed this happening with feeding this food. 

Just curious 🙂


Thank you! 

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with high quality foods, I am not sure if that means more poop, however you can feed less with a high quality food since the fish need less to get adequate nutrition, so maybe they are digesting more and passing less fillers so thats why they are pooping more? 

Try cutting back, you would be surprised the difference a high quality food vs low quality food can make


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I too have recently made the switch to extreme brand krill flakes. I havent noticed an uptick in excrement, but i havent been looking for it either. As a general rule in biology ( although there are always exceptions in broad categories) vegetation is usually a more labor intensive and therefore time consuming energy source to process vs protein. As evident in cows (an herbivore) who have 5 stomachs to break down and process a strictly vegetarian diet. Where as lions for example (a carnivore)have a much shorter GI tract, such as shorter intestinal length because protein is much easier to break down to gain nutrients. In omnivores however we as humans and many species of fish have a more mid sized GI tract geared for processing both types of nutrient intake. With krill flakes having a whopping 38% crude protein, and only a 4% crude fiber content, you are most likely observing your pet omnivore’s GI tract doing what it does best.

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A lot of people notice poop when it’s a brighter color. For the most part, 1 pound of pizza, candy, fruit, veggies ends up as the same waste, fish can only put on so much weight per day. 

you could naturally feed a different amount of you weren’t feeding flake before, also we tend to do more of things that are “good”

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