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What good things are happening in your tanks?


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My monte carlo is starting to carpet in my fluval spec betta tank, all though there is some hair algae in the tank, so I'm getting the KASSA WIFI LIGHT TIMER to balance the tank out for it soon.

Also question for some of you:
I have relized that the monte carlo is carpeting, it is also growing up in some places. I was wondering if anyone had experiance with the fluval spec 5 gallon light and monte carlo.



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My Channa andrao snakehead pair look like they'll have a go at breeding once I take them out of the cool water season.

In another tank my baby red chinned panchax are colouring up beautifully 😁

My blue dream shrimp colony are breeding like flies and my new siamese fighting fish isn't putting a dent in their numbers.


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19 hours ago, James Black said:

Also question for some of you:
I have relized that the monte carlo is carpeting, it is also growing up in some places. I was wondering if anyone had experiance with the fluval spec 5 gallon light and monte carlo.

Although i am not familiar with the light I do have some tips on monte carlo. If it is growing tall generally this means that it is not getting enough light, as it is trying to get closer to your light source. Pruning the tall growing tops will encourage it to grow out and carpet the bottom better. Even after it has carpeted the entire bottom it is a good idea to check for yellow leaves near the bottom and to periodically prune the tops so the undergrowth will grow and not begin to rot. 

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Hi Everyone!

Hmmm what's new with my crew. Lets see. Well I am STILL CYCLING LOL.. we are on day 23, checking chemistry, etc... all is good and stable, and my 3 fish and 1 mystery snail are all doing well. One day I randomly found a new baby snail in the tank.. I mean itty bitty.. gah.. too cute. its a Ramshorn. Plants have new growth, and are doing well. Trying not to clean the aquarium too much during the cycling process.

I made a new tank stand, that is much more stable than the previous one. painted the cinderblocks, and stained the wood to match my desk in my home office. 

I am trying hard to be patient, and not add anymore fish.. ugh.. the struggle is real. But I am still really enjoying the hobby, and learning something new everyday. I am also thankful for all the forum topics and the experience of others. 



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Discovered a new fish called a figure 8 puffer at my LFS and I am 100% in love! I am planning to try and get one soon, after I have a proper setup (technically a brackish water species.) 

In my tanks, sold lots of guppies and snails for a shocking $150 cash at the LFS!!! I was so shocked- were they talking to ME? For MY fish? Felt so good!

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My dwarf chain swords (that's what I think they are, I got them from the Co-op years ago before I had an account and have since forgotten what they are for sure) are finally really taking off. I think a combo of removing most of the duckweed to let in more light and being more diligent with root tabs has made the difference; I see them pearling all the time!

I've been raising up some mystery snails to breed; not for profit, just for fun and to keep their numbers sustainable. They're in the 29 with my limias, who are absolute piggies, so it's been tricky trying to find a way to get enough food in the tank for both them and the snails. But I think I'm getting a good balance now.

Oh, and I trimmed the anubias in my betta tank that's been growing for years, and added the clippings to other tanks. Yay, free plants! 

And I moved a struggling bolbitis out of the 29 and put it into the 75 a couple months ago and it's growing again!

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Babies happen. Even if their chances of survival are slim to none. I found five baby platies inside an internal filter and one unknown species baby (guppy, I guess) swimming in the community tank today.  Oh well, nature doesn't care whether I have room for more fish or not... it's time to raise more fry! :)  

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A missing baby pleco showed up after disappearing for eight days. I'd moved two of the baby Super Reds to my thirty high tank last Saturday and only one had been in sight since then. I'd assumed the other one had died, gotten eaten, been sucked into the filter, etc., but this afternoon he magically appeared and is doing fine. In fact, he hasn't been out of sight since popping back up. It's a densely planted tank and apparently he was just lying low. 

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I have about +20 babies hatched from eggs I have dropped in my two shrimp tank from a few different species..

That's been the best method for me to get live hatchings, when I give them a separate container they seem to not hatch or end up fungused.


Also a full grown dwarf corydora appeared in one of my shrimp tanks. Very surprised by that.

Edited by Marc
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My new amano shrimp are doing great and chowing down on hair algae! And the bristlenose plecos I added to my 55 are growing like CRAZY. They’ve also learned when feeding time is, and I love how their dorsal fins stick way up when they find a wafer. 

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