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"Hi", from Salem OR

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I'm loving this new thing. At 60 it's awesome to keep trying scary things. Reaching out like this is one of those things for an introvert. My husband and I (mainly me, but he has enjoyed them) got started with fish tanks a little over 2 years ago with a $80 craigslist 20 long inclusive kit. Which turned into (as of now almost $1500 later) a 55 gallon. Scary to think how those things happen. Then recently I wanted a tank for my desk since the 55 sits on our bar that passes through from our kitchen to our living room. Most days I see it in passing and maybe for an hour or two while the light is on. So for my desk, that I'm at for hours we got a 6.8. It does the trick and our Fuzz kitty loves the company. Our most recent additions (two weeks ago) are "free" tanks that a friend gave us, a 29 and a 20. Those free things! The 29 is the first tank that my husband has ever picked the fish for. I guess it will be more work, I was told by some of the nice people on the site that I may have to do water changes more often because of the load, but if it makes him this happy, "totally worth it". He even has his Tardis in the background. (We are Dr. Who (BBC) fans.) 

Thanks for the opportunity to connect.





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