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question of the day?


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or question of the week it would be hard to come up with questions good everyday long term 

5 minutes ago, CorydorasEthan said:

There is a poll option, so this could be interesting. I would enjoy it.

thanks if you have any suggestions message me or post in the thread

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I like the idea of this. I think it would be neat if maybe @Coryor @Dean’s Fishroomor anyone else from the ACO team for that matter could pose a question or an assignment/experiment for the whole forum in an effort to gain a collective knowledge on a subject. We all know the meme of "I'd have to do some more research" so it would be great if we could all participate in the research. There is even a whole live stream on what is fact and what is opinion. Maybe we could all help get down to the facts. That way when someone googles something hopefully the information from this forum will show up and people can feel confident when parroting what they read on the internet because it will be backed up by our collective effort. Not that the multitude of questions asked everyday on here don't already achieve that to some level, but it would be interesting to see the questions that someone on a Cory or Dean level would pose and the information that would follow.

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I could probably post on some questions posed, but coming up with questions would add to our workload and I feel like we'd fail. So we'd have to find someone else to do the question of the week?

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@Cory, what if the forum generated ideas collectively, for say, the next week, then a mod locks the thread, and one volunteer collated them into a list that could be handed off to you or the mods, and you could just pick one and give it a little spin or refinement if you felt it needed it? Alternatively, you could delegate this of course. I feel like there is interest, and this is really just people asking for a writing prompt--we can crowd source that. 

The down side is could be that we could be just as misinformed as the rest of the internet, and that would potentially be associated with your brand, but so far we have been a very self policing and self correcting group. 

Really what I am proposing here is that if the forum members want a thing like this they participate in making it happen. This can be a community building exercise. While we all appreciate Cory's generosity with his time and effort, WE have the ability to simply decide to do this ourselves. Cory does not even need to curate this--democratically we can decide what the question of the week should be. There are many options for how to accomplish this, we just need a person to start organizing it. I nominate @quirkylemon103 @CorydorasEthan @James Black and @Aubrey to start it off in a new thread (name it "help us come up with a listt of questions of the week") if they want, and if Cory approves. I am sure @Daniel can be persuaded to lock the thread at some previously agreed upon threshold.

What do you think?

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What if we start a question of the week thread each week. People put their questions, and the one with the most thanks, is the discussion the following week. After the first week, there would be two ongoing threads, one for discussion and 1 for new voting for the following week's question?

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I would be more than happy to post a question/poll of the week. I'm on here every day, anyway, as I sit at my desk at work. But I think I'm too "new" to do some of the things needed. Or I'm not familiar enough with how this board system works. IE I don't see an option to create a poll. I used to be a mod on a forum 7 or 8 years so I'm familiar with the workings, but I wouldn't trust me either until I'd spent several months here and posted a ton. That is just how these communities work.

I do think it is a great idea, though!


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On 1/29/2021 at 2:04 AM, Cory said:

What if we start a question of the week thread each week. People put their questions, and the one with the most thanks, is the discussion the following week. After the first week, there would be two ongoing threads, one for discussion and 1 for new voting for the following week's question?

I like this idea best but think that I would go simpler.  Have an assigned Mod or Admin post a question of their choice weekly, gleaned from the forum.  Make the poll a sticky post for the week and following week (for the results).

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