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Planted Aquarium Build


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In the panning process of a custom 60"L x 30" H x 24" W planted angel display tank.  Debating weather to put a glass lid or just leave it open.  Wondering if folks have thoughts other than evaporation and fish jumping of what might be the best way to go?

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Also considering a Fluval 3.0 light.  It says 48" to 60" which I assume means the actual light strip is probably about 46" and the 60" is the max mounting limit.  Should I be concerned about the outside parts of the tank beyond the 46" not getting enough light or will there be enough spill over? I plan to go with a lo-tech (no Co2) with low to medium light plants so might not be an issue.  I could combine a 24" and a 36" if needed I guess??


thx ken

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