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Comet goldfish rashes and bumps on skin/body

Ken Shan

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I have a rescue comet goldfish almost for a month now. He was fine initially but developed some rashes and is under a lot of discomfort. He was darting/flashing try to rub himself anywhere possible. So I removed all the plants and decor. Treating him with Prazipro for possible flukes. After 1 day of treatment, his erratic behavior has stopped. He is doing great. No fins clamping. Feeding him peas to keep ammonia down. Looks like the red rashes will not go away that easily. From water test ammonia/nitrite/ nitrates are all zero or nitrates may be below 20ppm. The ph is stable at 7.0 and water temp now is now 78F was 72F but seems he likes it warm. He is in a 10G hospital tank. Changing water in 3 days and will do another round of Prazipro for 5 days may be. His size is around 1.8 inch now. Will move to my 55G tank after full recovery. I feel he is not as lively as he was when he came in, although he is eating and moving around. Fish gods please advise what do I do to make him happy and get rid of those red rashes and bring back his dashing personality. I hope I am not overseeing any other fatal diseases. 




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Thanks Colu for the advice. Is it okay if I use Maracyn and Prazipro together or do I need to use it individually?

I just received the trio meds from Aquariumcoop in the mail. Very excited. Very happy I discovered Cory. Now I just pray things work well. Looking at other posts I am already too scared. Not sure what I’ll do and lose them forever. 

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Hi he again started to get sick. Looks like he has lot of fungal whitish stuff growing all over him and the fins are clamped. The edges of the fins have started growing some black stuff too and it’s slowly spreading all over the scales. I don’t have pictures because it’s not visible in photos. He is 10G QT tank. Changing 30% water every night and 90% every third day. The condition is getting bad pretty fast. I have the quarantine trio and prazipro. Just finished prazipro treatment 2 days back. No idea how to deal with it. Could find any info on black+ white fungus together or may be it’s something else. Please help @Colu

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Hi @Colu 

I am using both the API fungus cure + maracyn. The fungus growth has stopped for sure and 3rd day into the cure, the fungus has started to clear out a bit but still there is a lot of fungus that needs to go away. I will be following the dosage/days mentioned in the box for the mentioned number of days for each medicine. The fish is still active and eating and moving around as normal. Is there anything I should be worried about before increasing the medicine dose as per directions ?


added a photo you can see the body has white fungus and fin edges have black fungus. Also some regions on the head has black fungus. 


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Hi @Colu

I did a full course of API fungus cure + maracyn and water at 82F. It looks like he has recovered fully. No white or black fungus. He is always active and eats anything that fits in his mouth. I would never be able to thank you enough for this. Slowly removing meds with 10% water change every other day. Everything looks fine so far. 

If you look at the images I shared earlier, he has come a long long way. Feeling extremely happy for him. 


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