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Frogbit turning yellow

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Good Morning,

I was wondering if someone could help me? I am new to aquatic plants and after doing really well with java fern, anubias, and moss after a few months I wanted to try frogbit. I have had frogbit for almost 2 weeks now. Some leaves are turning yellow and I dont know why. I fertilize with aquarium co-op easy green once a week. Its a 10 gallon divided tank. I keep my lights on. I have the nicrew light for a 10 gallon. Sponge filters from aquarium co-op. I have 2 betta fish in the tank (divided). Is it a nutrient deficiency? Too much water movement? Too much light? I tried to do research on my own, but I would appreciate some feedback from someone who has experience. Thank you!


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In my experience with frogbit, the less water movement, the better. But since you have a sponge filter that shouldn't be too bad. It is also a nutrient hog, I dose simple green 2-3 times a week in my 10 that has it (using the same light you do, assuming its a Nicrew Classic gen 1). It may be a nutrient issue, I would maybe start dosing more while checking your nitrates to make sure you don't overdo it.

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Is it growing and spreading, but some leaves are turning yellow, or is it just sitting there doing nothing and some leaves are turning yellow? If it's growing and spreading, I wouldn't worry about it too much. It could just be older leaves dying off naturally. It's possible some leaves got damaged in the harvesting, transporting, etc. It's not like they have handles, so most people handle them by a leaf. Plant leaves can be a tick fragile. They have fine veins running through them to carry food and water through the plants. If those veins get damaged through handling, the damaged leaves could die off. If it's not doing anything and turning yellow, it's probably not happy about something. Frogbit is, so far anyway, pretty reliable in my tanks. It grows better in some than others, but I don't think it's suffering in any of them, 

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