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Black spot around pleco's eye ?


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Black spot around my pleco's right eye. Seems to be acting normally, eating fine, just showed up one day. It's been over a month, no change. Only one in my community tank. 78deg, ph 7.0, soft water. No ammonia, or nitrites, 30ppm Nitrates.

Tankmates: flame gourami, cory cats, neon, candy cane, Silvertip, rummynose tetras. Few otocinclus..

No idea what this is or if I should  treat with Erythromycin?


Edited by GGobblin
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It's a Blue Eye Lemon Bushynose, but that black around 1 eye shouldn't be there. I have another in a different tank that it didn't happen to. Nor sure if it's a fungus,  or wound but it's been a while,  has not gotten better. I tried adding vitamins to his food, varying his food, eats everything well. 


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It's a Blue Eye Lemon Bushynose, but that black around 1 eye shouldn't be there. I have another in a different tank that it didn't happen to. Nor sure if it's a fungus,  or wound but it's been a while,  has not gotten better. I tried adding vitamins to his food, varying his food, eats everything well. 


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