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Is this normal Amano Shrimp Behavior?


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My one Amano Shrimp just seems to lay on and around the Amazon Frogbit floating plants I have in my planted 46 gallon with community fish. Is this normal Amano Shrimp behavior or is there something wrong with this shrimp?  The other 3 Amano Shrimp i have are seen on occasion in my planted tank, only if I spend many minutes looking for them. Is this all normal or are they not feeling safe with my large Common Pleco hovering around. Or something else?


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I have one that is pretty much always out where you can see him. I have 6 others who managed to find their way into my HOB filter and lived there for a few weeks until I found them. Now 3 are pretty easy to find, 3 take more time. I'm not sure if it the same 3 each time, but I rarely see more than 4 at any given time. 

They are natural hiders, but also eating machines. If they can find food they like and privacy, they will not be seen. If its more bold and finds a food source it likes, you might see it all the time.

I'd say pretty normal. 

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I moved my 3 Amanos from a 10 gallon with not appropriate substrate and one real plant to a 20 gallon long with a fake log, 6 plants and black sand and it takes me a lot longer to find them. They would grab food off the top off the water in the 10 gallon and have yet to do that in the 20. 

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