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All male guppies tank?


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We fell in love with some guppies at our LFS. All they had were males, and we decided to get 6 for our heavily planted 10 gallon. I have never kept guppies before, are there any issues with keeping just a group of males? They are with some pumpkin shrimp and amanos. The intent is a nice living room tank, not a profit tank for breeding.

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I agree--it's the only way to do it if you don't want tons of babies!  I've had a male only tank for a little over a year now, and it's gone okay--they do chase each other around some and one kind started to pick on males of the other color pattern, so you could watch out for anyone getting bullied, but the number you have sounds like a good number to spread out any aggression but not overcrowd things IMO.

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5 minutes ago, KaitieG said:

I agree--it's the only way to do it if you don't want tons of babies!  I've had a male only tank for a little over a year now, and it's gone okay--they do chase each other around some and one kind started to pick on males of the other color pattern, so you could watch out for anyone getting bullied, but the number you have sounds like a good number to spread out any aggression but not overcrowd things IMO.

Had they had some femalea I may have done 2 and 1 male and started breeding but I'm glad they didnt. I dont want the living room tank to need more maintenance and care than your water changes and plant care. They are just perfect for passive enjoyment!




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