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Hey fellow fish Nerms,

In one of my previous posts I asked you guys, "where should I position this tank" its a fluval spec 5 gallon. Well I decided to ignore everyones input because I thought of a even BETTA 😉 idea (not that your ideas weren't good its just I didn't want the tank taking up so much space on my desk) I have decided to put it on my dresser. See the picture below. Anyways in the post I said I wanted an all white platinum betta, well I changed my mind. I went on aquabid this morning and saw all these GOURGOUES bettas for only like $20 (the platinum ones I had my eye one were like $30, and the ones on aquabid were WAY nicer looking). So I plan to make my first order off aquabid in this comming week. But before I geta betta I need to aquascape it. My idea was a Monte Carlo carpet with Amazon Frogbit tucked away in the back corner (I will be making a barrier so that the frogbit wont spread past it). I plan on then doing a peice of small dragon stone for in the center of the tank, no co2 injections. 

I have decided to do a Journal for this betta tank, My plan is to go to the fishstore on Saturday and get everything I need for the tank.

Edited by JamesB
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lol, I just relized I didn't post a picture like I said I would:


The debris on the bottom is a mixture of, sand (when I poured the water in, there was some sand in my buckets) Dirty Filter Juice (to speed up the cycle, I squeezed one of my pre-seeded spongefilter) and fish food. All of this was to hurry up the nitrogen cycle.

Edited by James Black
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1 hour ago, James Black said:

lol, I just relized I didn't post a picture like I said I would:


The debris on the bottom is a mixture of, sand (when I poured the water in, there was some sand in my buckets) Dirty Filter Juice (to speed up the cycle, I squeezed one of my pre-seeded spongefilter) and fish food. All of this was to hurry up the nitrogen cycle.

Photo didn't load. Doh!

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Well I went to the local fish store for supplies and scaping materials. Unfortuanltey I forgot like half of the stuff on my list. I'll have to go back and get them.

Heres the final scape:

4DWzpbn217R77R4ZsYsqasREycX9dS4Sqd7aczab_okrcB6Tsg8I9lJmH7DHyQ2R-UMw-hNLCIqpkNeg_URJxf0Snwo4FfjbTqTnglhIom7YhbGxI1-9qivHeT--qr3J2lPbEfOXmAyoKpTKv4k-lDzfbDfJxHE5rJFYIdXHE1Z36LTZuTjVu2__VjAS2BOnvqT7d7YmX2OLbMX6X2K0qZMN_h4JOiXJkoofgCY9lfpFjNNXKSNNUMMArRdmBzsAb-ISkEy2bF9irbdRIebu131EdI_3adylrMfPe8aKJFY41ssuN9UrC5A5dZ10HxCsaZEMUVjkiNr650sm-Xdelsr0tavAWPkk4dC65QqAquiV9m76IwLbGoBqAN72uxF5WcOb0mCIqcYcvSyvyRFvN7dWFA2pQhWRJrDPCr5VCENPNbFafYhF2L3wWYh-PQEhleP_5q7MdnciTlKNRRuA_LJv23RF6w-GlX8khxBMoIA6SrMPC6sgMn2r8JfFgzbVr9Gm66SnKHHdXyhMDoN9Ipk-gdywpU5Bew9LEA5NpLNbRygNQg5AT_kZKHO7xIU9_490DxNvyE1yaNSuOkt0E8Yuol8VYYNNVPUjaD5ucw1EGem1mT5wUYK-iyId8vfkTmXSkV7qRJnqn_zANsqyGPJD9VBlfHLjR5tSnTzVKvMlFxy68tKfmARMhd7kgQ=w1168-h658-no?authuser=0I used monte carlo, dragon stone and some seachem planted tank substrate and also a betta leaf for my future betta to sleep on.

I also picked up some betta food (hikari betta bio gold, northfin betta pellets and fluval bug bites for bettas). 

FGMZSW6bhQ2KzUbjde1uYV8NP78sJ4Ax89Wl_dISLADDAPOCNNCyxGSJG9IdVL9I6KKPn3CZMBUH4eWugQbOZ0PoASgIE5Ing6Cg3i6DU7EfXiGb6E8jO5mp61zSL716sNEOnET1ko3gaz97rWIGdASz7h7KYBzP7sfXiaaz0kNux7SOm4QRLQ1OA7VhmiHo2El7rwDKwuGUSLcPJSd6hXK3H96vyFfZAFQoKnbdkChZvbnDi3z-iY453NTLDSbMWx9fIAPOO7k1C1gEDoxOoVRv1OFPtIufiHNGHn_RVVZxZBliDAeRrXKpfcGRpysCjabxvG1Q4imxf0zXlpTiesmW2pKZZb-fmvAuHbwVlGvK6SY9YtDXdKxfy6Voki20ZXKQhn53xom1qpUG2tGTRgZhwj5Fp9YCtYswCE_O3UtiHxOY4Hh0eUg7pCsPptcBpRj7uKyYlc-7mWpJQ82Jl_dQQsx0uF8wGpsx-Wf89ogqRH5XZdVMl8RNRU3fFyZfGRe-SumJZAgg0a9TAHaWFs6oG2K0qclpZgzu70Sy8CSsPN0Pdkj6RTfiegT9nxVmmiR_QhmZQfq7lGwBuJF8mpjjuVnAB4k5OBuawU7rhmJd0xwnlVniygUxi-rcV74LWcbP7B9VUDUQHGTcmqodD-hKu0bonTIu-UrxvG-V3hDPEI-KJ0qHFgSurrvTMA=w1168-h658-no?authuser=0I forgot an intake sponge, root tabs (so maybe not half)

I was going to get some amazon frogbit but turn out its illegal where I live so I'll have to get some from amazon.ca because it turns out they sell that. 

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I have named the new betta "Hugo" 

Everybody say "hey hugo!" I wish he would start using his hammoc but he hasn't so far. I plan on feeding him there to see if that will make him want to take a rest. Heres a pictue of him eating the hikari betta bio gold pellets:


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Love these Fluval tanks. Do some have black colored back too? 

Floating plants might look nice in there. An upside down garden. Water lettuce... frogbit... Lilies... 


Our males appreciate some Catappa leaf pieces for tannins and bubble nest building. 

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26 minutes ago, Fish Folk said:

Love these Fluval tanks. Do some have black colored back too? 

Floating plants might look nice in there. An upside down garden. Water lettuce... frogbit... Lilies... 


Our males appreciate some Catappa leaf pieces for tannins and bubble nest building. 

Unfortantley amazon frogbit, red root root floates, and any plant that spreads like a weed is ilegal to sell.  With that being said I am still on the never ending search for some. I have seen multiple tanks where I live with these plants and I just need to find out where everyone gets some. Are you asking if they come with a black background? they don't, all though it would look sweet with one. Where I live (manitoba, canada) they have made it so that only essentials are being sold due to the pandemic. So once restrictions liften I will be going to walmart to get a black background.

Yes catapa leaves are on the list of things to get.

Edited by James Black
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I have had this Monte Carlo for almost 2 weeks now and its looking AWESOME. It starting to carpet a bit, and it hasn't even melted back yet. I thought it would as I bought it as a tissue culture out of water. There is a bit of algae on the glass and some hair algae, so I will be putting the light on a timer. And I'm thinking if the betta lets me I will add a snail to clean it up for me. And possibly down the road some cherry shrimp (thats only if the betta doesn't eat them)


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