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Breeding Mollies Problems


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Anyone else have issues with their mollies not breeding or even showing signs of breeding? Parameters are all well in range, plants are growing well now, and fish are thriving. I see the endlers showing signs of breeding but not the mollies. I have one male to 2 adult females and 2 juvenile females not born from this set. Any help is appreciated!!

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How long has your tank been running? How long have you had the Mollys? We’ve got a group of four up and running for 2x months that have only dropped a few fry. Mollies may only drop once a month though. Our tank is a bit small for them. Try feeding them a variety of quality foods that include some live baby brine shrimp as well as greens like spirulina bug bites flakes. Watch for spawning behavior early in morning when light goes on. It’s possible lines of Mollys sometimes get low fertility on account of inbreeding, or treatment before they reach your tanks. 

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On 1/10/2021 at 5:14 PM, Fish Folk said:

How long has your tank been running? How long have you had the Mollys? We’ve got a group of four up and running for 2x months that have only dropped a few fry. Mollies may only drop once a month though. Our tank is a bit small for them. Try feeding them a variety of quality foods that include some live baby brine shrimp as well as greens like spirulina bug bites flakes. Watch for spawning behavior early in morning when light goes on. It’s possible lines of Mollys sometimes get low fertility on account of inbreeding, or treatment before they reach your tanks. 

My tank has been running for over a year. I have had multiple mollies for that long and since most of them at the LFS are full grown, I have lost a few. Not usually to any signs of disease. Sometimes they look thinner when my tank is having issues, but then that is the whole tank going through something. I have been working on growing live plants and my mollies are looking fat and healthy (in a good way lol not a pregnant or over weight way). I do have two babies that are growing beautifully that the mom dropped the fry in my quarantine the day after I brought her home last spring from the LFS and she died. That was a bad batch of mollies and I lost one fry but the two that survived are doing well. One has a rounder stomach and I am wondering if it is mixed with a balloon molly. I know the inbreeding doesn't help, but I can't even get mine to breed lol. I do feed a variety of flakes, frozen food, veggies, and bug bites. They have a light timer, added some salt and need to remove the snails that don't like that, they have a balanced and cycle tank that only gets new live plants added and new fish after quarantine. I watch closely for signs of aggressiveness and stress. 

Maybe I just need to add another male? I was hoping mine would breed because they haven't yet and I hate paying $5 a molly at my LFS..

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