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Is this normal guppy behavior?

Karen B.

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One of my guppy, when not actively swimming, is always at a 45 degree angle. The other fish stay perfectly horizontal so I was wondering if it meant something or if it’s normal for some fish.

He is otherwise fine, eats and poops in a 10 gallons with 3 other male guppies. Temp is 76-77, ph is 7.6. 0/0/20, gh 8, kh 4


Thank you!

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Some guppies, when dragging around a big delta tail, seem to do this. He has a typical "bend" to his spine just after the ribs, indicating that his caudle peduncle (the part that is bent) is weak. I consider it a genetic flaw, and would opt against choosing a guppy like that as a breeder, but they seem to live normal healthy lives. Females often develop this with age and multiple pregnancies as well.

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7 hours ago, Brandy said:

Some guppies, when dragging around a big delta tail, seem to do this. He has a typical "bend" to his spine just after the ribs, indicating that his caudle peduncle (the part that is bent) is weak. I consider it a genetic flaw, and would opt against choosing a guppy like that as a breeder, but they seem to live normal healthy lives. Females often develop this with age and multiple pregnancies as well.

Thank you so very much for your reply. I feel releived knowing he is ok. 😊

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I have 2 guppies right now with the same condition. I agree with @Brandy - it seems to be a genetic thing. But like yours, they seem healthy and happy. Mine have a funny little wiggle to their swim, too, and it cracks me up when they are in a hurry to get to the food. They just wiggle-wiggle-wiggle as fast as they can, and get to the food along with all the others. Gotta love guppies and they spunky attitudes! ❤️ 

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