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6 hours ago, Dustin_aquatic_made_easy said:

Hey how wood I get in tech with you 

If you're asking how to get in touch with me. There is no way to directly get in touch with me. If you're looking for help, the forum is a great place for that.

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Hello everyone! I am new to this forum although I am not new to watching and learning from all of the videos Cory keeps posting - thank you for that Cory.  I currently have 3 tanks (who can have only one? 😄)  My 20 gallon has endlers, rasboras and shrimp, 29 gallon has platys, rosy barbs, neons and one female krebensis and I just finished cycling a 40 gallon cichlid tank.  I cycled using ammonia so put a handful of male endlers in there to keep the cycle going until I can get the cichlids I want.  Question - does a cichlid tank need a bottom dweller for the clean up crew and if so what would you suggest?  I am getting dwarf Mbuna cichlids - pseudotropheus sauloi hopefully.  Don't worry guys, I will be removing the cute little endlers before the cichlids get added. 😉 Thanks for any suggestions or comments.

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Hi everyone, my name is Mike and I currently live in Ormond Beach Fl. I have recently gone back to the fresh water side of the hobby. I am currently breeding some chindongo salusi aka dwarf mbuna. I am working with a couple of red dragon guppiies to improve my line. I have this one male that has an electric blue body and trying to passed that trait on. I still have a reef tank but I've lost my interest. The saltwater side of the hobby is just to costly to run multiple tanks. Plus, it's became kinda shady with all the coral vendors pumping up prices and renaming corals for a  bigger profit. Anyways, I really like the breeding side of the hobby

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Hi everyone. When I wrote the below I didn't realize it was a welcome string. So, hello all.

Thank you Cory and Aquarium Co-op for sending me this link. I like your philosophy. I look forward to reading and watching more of your videos than I already do. I'm an old aquariest (not sure that's a word) and have just come back to the hobby. Already have four tanks but I still have a lot of house left. Thank you for your commitment to the hobby, your informational videos, your testing of your products, and of course, your store where I can get them.


Edited by ABQmike
Needed more information for the category I was posting in.
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Hello everyone! I am Megan, I have been in the fish hobby for about ten years and I still consider myself a newbie. I am always learning and growing. 


My favorite fish are (EBA'S) Electric Blue Acara's, fancy plecos, Cory catfish,basically bottom feeders. I currently have two tanks, one is community tank (65 bow tank) and my other is my breeding tank(30 long). I have bred Bristolnose plecos and EBA'S. I will expand my collection with bigger tanks as my house grows too. Lol. 







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Greetings Fellow Fish Enthusiasts, 

I am Skarah from California. Throughout my childhood I had the minimal goldfish tanks and the bettas. However, as a young adult I only ever kept a Betta or two. 

How the obsession began: I was forced into full-fledged aquarist mode in December of 2018. I work at a place that hosts clients and events as well as normal dining. I was working as a bartender for a holiday party for a local company. They had a gift exchange and as what I am guessing was a gag gift, one employee brought a bag full of goldfish and rosy-red minnows. After the party had concluded, the bag was left there on the table with dirty cups and trash. There was no way I was going to leave those fish to die. So, that night I adopted a bag of 11 fish and promptly put together a tank from Walmart to just get them out of that bag. Unfortunately, that following year often fish were used for decor for parties hosted by clients on many occasions. So, I have inherited multiple fish over my career there. However, that negligence led to the spark that lit my love of fish keeping for me. Thus, the hobby was born.

I currently have three established freshwater tanks. My pride and joy - a 37gal community with Corydoras, Guppies, a Hillstream Loach and a Mystery Snail. One 5gal Nano with Rainbowfish, and a 10-gallon divided Betta habitat with two males. I am working on cycling my starter 20 gallon and turning into a snail keeping tank. I was recently surprised to learn that my solo Mystery snail was impregnated in the store and laid a clutch of babies above my 37gal waterline.

I have been visiting this website and Aquarium CoOp's videos for advice and education on my "newly" acquired hobby. I've had a new fish question, curiosity or problem occur almost monthly that needs researching or solving. So, I am excited to be here to learn and share. I am open to constructive advice delivered in a polite way. Everyone has their own way with the hobby and it's great to have a place to learn from each other, respectfully. 

Thanks for reading. 

-Skarah & her fishies 



37gal 02.25.2021.jpg

Betta Tank 02.25.2021.jpg

Nano 02.25.2021.jpg

Edited by SkarahW
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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if this is the place but could really use some help. Use to raise and show miniature wire haired dachshunds but had to stop as they can live to 18+ years. I am responsible for every pup as long as it lives and at my age now they could outlive me. So now new to the wonderful world of fish and have my son to help.  So have a 10 gal and a 40 gal tank. Filled with artificial plants but I did find aquariumcoop and Cory on utube and have since  purchased a water sprite for each tank. Have had them a little over one week and doing great.  My problem: filled 10 gal with five neon tetras waited a few days then added a baby girl beta. All doing great beta even schooling a bit with neons. A week later added five more neons. They were all tiny but got together and were schooling. Seemed ok and content. About three days after I changed a quarter of the water. I sat watching them it’s so therapeutic. I added a bit of quick start and then watched in shock as the neons died one after another in a matter of no more than two minutes. The beta seemed ok but was dead the next morning. I also noticed that the lights on the cover had come close to the water line. Should I not have added the quick start? I just enjoyed the fish so much I don’t want to give up but I don’t want something like this to happen to little ones again.  Also I added three mollies to the bigger tank and the next day there were babies! I thoroughly enjoyed every morning and evening watching all swimming around for about a week and a half until I found one morning only one of the eight babies were left and then one of the mollies ate the last one. If babies or fry happen again I am ready with a place to put them just wasn’t sure if they could be safely moved when so little. Sorry this ended up so long.  Enjoy your site and getting ready to place another order.


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18 hours ago, Nini said:

About three days after I changed a quarter of the water. I sat watching them it’s so therapeutic. I added a bit of quick start and then watched in shock as the neons died one after another in a matter of no more than two minutes. The beta seemed ok but was dead the next morning.

That is alot of new additions. Are you first quaranting them seperatly before adding them to your community tank? What is your process when adding fish: acclimation, steps & additives?

It may also be the parameters of the water or water treatments. Expired Quick Start? Is the new water treated properly. When I do a water change, add fish or alter they're enviornment in any major way - I always add the recommended amount of Stress Coat to the tank. Lighting is also a factor, and temp of the tank. 

Do you have a picture of your setup? 

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My name is Alex and I have had aquariums almost all my life. This is my first fully live planted tan and I really love the way this is working for me. I have cancer and this is a great way to sit back and enjoy living and taking care of my fish and plants. All most all of my plants have come from Aquarium Co Op. I live in a town that only has chain store pet sales and I see way to many dead fishes which scares me away from getting fish from these places. I drive 60 miles to a great store in Green Bay Wisconsin. I can get great fish there. But I will always use aquarium co op for my fertilizer and plants. I also have my eye on the brine shrimp hatchery Cory has designed. I have been watching this youtube channel for a couple years and have applied a great deal of what I learned from this channel. https://photos.google.com/u/1/photo/AF1QipO-IFl3Saz1GNNlUN-VxUzxU30TvZhg_N2W8mQz

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Hi. Been stalking Cory and fish aquarium friends on YouTube for a while now. My 20 gallon tank is 6 months and 6 days old according to my aquarium app at time of this post, with the internet's help and more research than I can list I stocked it with 10 very happy/healthy Harlequin Rasboras (aka gang of Harlies) and 7 Otocinclus catfish (aka Herd of Cats). I also have a Gold Mystery Snail you can see on the right of my uploaded pic saying hi named Escape (female) (name has an accent over the final e but I'm tech challenged at times) White Mystery Snail Pegasus (male) and 2 small zebra Nerite snails Dash and Speck- along with random plants both real and imagined. I only run a sponge filter- NO HEATER (thanks Cory it really DOES WORK in some applications)- my tank stays between a 75-77 degree temperature thanks to the kitchen the tanks occupy with its constant activity and the Wedgewood stove with a pilot light. For lighting I have AMZBD full spectrum lighting that I've put on a dimmer switch because, well, programming it beyond the timer function is more than I want to bother with considering if the power even flickers I lose what I put in. I'm going in deep because in my 2nd pic I'll upload (tank with yellow flowers) I've started another 20 gallon which is now 4 days old according to my aquarium app, no inhabitants but for a few live plants (also some imaginary plants- aka plastic plants- to help fill in the look). ***here's why***I originally picked Harlequins and Otocinclus because they a) fiit the parameters of my tank and their needs are similar and b) MOST IMPORTANTLY: they wouldn't multiply. Neither per my research are easy to breed. Right?! WRONG. At least apparently in my case. I have 25 and COUNTING baby OTOCINCLUS. Some of which have fallen to Rasbora food but most of which I feel like I've saved and are currently in a floating breeder box. The 2nd tank I think will rehome the Rasboras eventually with a group of Otos when the tank is fully established and the first tank will be for what I might call the algae eater tank- I'd like to maybe add some compatable shrimp with my Otos and Snails. Now as much as I LOVE my Otos (really love love love) I can't keep them all. So I guess I'm on here not just for the forum comaraderie but for ideas of how I can rehome my baby Otos?! I doubt they will stop breeding sooooo.....help? You'll likely see posts from me elsewhere about the Oto conundrum. 



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Hello you all. I am from Tennessee and have two planted aquariums. I have right now some harlequin rasporas and guppies. We used to keep a betta fish named Keena but he died after three years. We bought guppies because I thought with the breeding she would always be able to have a fish..... lol boy howdy did we get some babies. We were able to manage to fully separate the males and females but it took over a year of monitering. Now we have two tanks that are absolutely beautiful. I am so glad this forum is here 🙂

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Hi from Dana Point, CA.  I have two goldfish. - 18 years old.   They are quite the family members.  I came across this site while researching diseases.  Over the last couple of weeks, I have been dealing with as well as treating a sick goldfish.  The disease literally came on so fast.  Within a few hours - it appeared his mouth was rotting away.   I had the medication on hand and treated him with two rounds of  Kanaplex and Furan 2.  The treatment seemed to work, his mouth healed.  However, yesterday morning he was staying at the bottom of the tank.  And, it looked like he was developing a fungus again on his mouth.  I started him on Erythromycin and just gave him his second dose this morning. I am happy to say that he is doing better. I plan to treat him with Ich X when it arrives.  I hope that I am doing the right treatment.  He is in a 55 gallon tank.  I checked the water parameters before I treated  him -which all checked out.   I feel defeated.  Thank you for this site and the wonderful information provided.  LuLu

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Hello all!

My name is Teddy I have recently started a new Betta tank (my first aquarium!). I set everything up. Hard scaped with Spectrastone gravel, WonderStone, Granite, and Malaysian Driftwood. I then added plants, filled it up, and added Aqueon water conditioner. I let this tank cycle for a day and then added Multi-purpose StartSmart Complete to start a bacteria culture, Seachem Flourish, and Seachem Flourish Iron. I then added my Betta and tested the water with the API water testing kit. Everything was normal and in a good range except for ammonia. I'm already up at 1ppm and I'm wondering if this is dangerous. If so should I do a water change or buy some ammo lock? Or should I wait a day to see what happens? I should also mention that I tested my tap water that I used and it came up as 0ppm.

Thank you!

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Hello everyone! I recently got back into fish keeping and currently have a 55 gallon planted aquarium that is my community tank and is located in my living room. I have two 10 gallon aquarium’s one is for my guppy’s and the other for beta’s. I look forward to learning more and being a positive person in the forum. I have been very happy with all my purchases from the store. 

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Howdy from Texas! Happy to have followed the link to this forum in an Aquarium Co-Op email. In my mid-50s, I’m a return aquarium enthusiast, having had a community freshwater tank for several years in the 90s while doing my graduate work in biology. Moves and life happened and tanks didn’t for years after. I guess the Great Pandemic of 2020 made us all do interesting things, like “hey, what if I got back into fish!” And here I am, 5 nano tanks later obsessed with bettas. Currently have 3 girls, 2 boys, and 2 tank vacancies one of which I hope to turn into a neocaridina shrimp play zone soon. I hope to learn more about shrimp-keeping here! I have also found myself watching and googling more and more on Apistogramma sp., Bolivian rams, and can’t stop drooling at pictures of Geophagus tapajos but where oh where to put that tank! How big a tank?! Which of these can I keep together?! So much to learn but I know I’m in the right place! 🙂

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AThank you Cory!!!


I'm loving the C.A.R.E. requirements, and grateful for a space to read/engage/communicate with fellow aquarists who understand the intention behind respect. 

Now to learn how to navigate a new platform 😅

My fish are approving all the co-op videos, I just have to learn how to attach files.


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Hi everyone!

New user from Minnesota here. Wish I didn't live so far from the Co Op! I'd probably go there every day.

I've been in the hobby (obsessively) since April of 2019. I am running four tanks at home and one at work 😅 I have a 75 gallon with some Angels and Discus and a ton of oddballs, and despite everyone else's advice, they're doing amazing.

Recently I discovered three of my angels are female and only one is male, and the ladies did NOT like sharing. I have the original pair in their own tank now and I'm hopeful one of their spawns will make it passed fryhood - so far we're on try #5.

Excited to learn all I can about bringing up some fry! I love this hobby so much because I learn something new every day.

Aforementioned pair: Superfins & Biggie Smalls (yes I really name most of my fish).


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8 minutes ago, T. Pet said:

Hi everyone!

New user from Minnesota here. Wish I didn't live so far from the Co Op! I'd probably go there every day.

I've been in the hobby (obsessively) since April of 2019. I am running four tanks at home and one at work 😅 I have a 75 gallon with some Angels and Discus and a ton of oddballs, and despite everyone else's advice, they're doing amazing.

Recently I discovered three of my angels are female and only one is male, and the ladies did NOT like sharing. I have the original pair in their own tank now and I'm hopeful one of their spawns will make it passed fryhood - so far we're on try #5.

Excited to learn all I can about bringing up some fry! I love this hobby so much because I learn something new every day.

Aforementioned pair: Superfins & Biggie Smalls (yes I really name most of my fish).


Welcome to a fellow Minnesotan!!!! Happy to have you here!

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Howdy, another Houston native here.  We recently purchased a new home and are working on our fishroom.  Not so much for breeding, as I imagine there are times that will be unavoidable.  But just because we love so many of the fish.  LOL.


Regardless, I love the attitude I've seen from Co-Op, as well as their business acumen.  So for those things they make specifically and others we can't/don't find at our LFS...they get our business. 


Much love everyone 

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