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55 Gallon.....Rainbow shark Angel fish 3-4 Honey or powder blue gourami big pack of cardinals tetra Red eye tetra or Rummy nose tetra with about 5-10 snail or do you sigg


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My Bad.....55 Gallon looking to stick with live plants and gravel substrate will add plant substrate at bottom if needed.


Fish i would love to see ...

Rainbow shark-Angle Fish- 3-4 gourami honey or powder blue big spool of tetra either Rummy nose Cardinal or Red eye - either bottom feeders or a bunch of snails 10-15 what do you think ?

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I wouldn't do gourami a rainbow and a angelfish all in one tank.

The Gourami are very aggressive especially the poweder blues along with the rainbow shark. And the Angelfish are semi aggressive and have long fins that could very well be nipped from the gourami or shark. The snails will repopulate, the tetras look to be fine.

So either do the gourami, the shark or the angelfish.

If you are to do gourami I would do honey as they are a lot less agressive.

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Yes it would be a community tank .

Would like to try the Rainbow Shark with the Angel fish if possible are there any other mid size fish you recommend or just get a bunch spooling fish?

Thank you for the help much appreciated 

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19 minutes ago, Duke said:

Yes it would be a community tank .

Would like to try the Rainbow Shark with the Angel fish if possible are there any other mid size fish you recommend or just get a bunch spooling fish?

Thank you for the help much appreciated 

you might be able to get away with the shark and angelfish. But If you are looking for other mid size fish heres a list:


-German Blue Ram

-Rainbow Fish (Would need at least 2 maybe 3, they like to have freinds)

-Blood Parrot (Bit of a larger fish, but wouldnt do shark with this guy)


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I have a Rainbow Shark sharing a tank with a single angle and some other community fish. No problems between the two. I would not advise a blood parrot as mine goes after anything smaller so the tetras would be a problem with one of those. 

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That’s awesome thank for the feed back I’m rocking a 10 gallon that’s my son’s it’s time to step up into a bigger tank like the 55 gallon or the 40 breeder.

I will look into the fish at my local store see what I can get.

Suggestions on beginner to intermediate plants to put in also was thinking about some drift wood or getting some rocks and making a good scape .


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